Rumor: Samsung Nexus Prime and Ice Cream Sandwich Announcement October 19th in… Hong Kong?

Well this is just disappointing for us lowly Americans. Engadget claims to have heard from an inside source that the Samsung Nexus Prime and Ice Cream Sandwich joint announcement made by Google and Samsung will be made on October 19th – hardly a delay, if true.

And the venue for the whole thing? Hong Kong. As you can imagine, we were very excited to bring you footage of what is said to be a game changer in the smartphone world period, but if it’s to be revealed in Hong Kong, well, a bake sale won’t exactly get us over there for a few hours.

We’re still hopeful Samsung and Google will have an American venue to make the announcement – I mean they just can’t up and renege on all of us, right? Right? Sigh.

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