By Zero’s Studio Pen Shows Off With Chris Chavez Caricature

What better way to illustrate the capabilities of your tablet accessory/app that makes handwriting/drawing easy than illustrating caractures for attendees? Watch Phandroid’s Chriz Chavez – the man, the myth, the hair, the legend – have his caracture drawn using By Zero’s Studio Pen accessory on an iPad (it also works with Galaxy Tab).

The accessory is pretty darn expensive, coming in at $149.99, but it unlocks a whole realm of potential and possibilities for folks wanting a deeper/different experience with their tablet. I can see a boat load of opportunity for integrating this functionality into various apps and situations, and the pen has a naturally great feel that emulates a pencil and paper. In the above video, we’re told it’s actually working in conjunction Adobe software.

One nice touch of Studio Pen is something they call “Palm rejection”. No… we’re not talking about the thing that happened when the Pre and Touchpad were launched, we’re talking about how the pen/tablet won’t incorrectly react when your drawing/writing hand press onto the screen. Studio Pen uses ultrasound and infrared technologies along with advanced algorithms and lots of front-end options, bells and whistles.

One place I think By Zero could use some help is their branding. Their brand names and products are quite indistinguishable as they’ve got an XO logo (seen left), call the Studio Pen their Natural Handwriting Solution, list it as “Design byzero”, have the software which is Studio Basic/MAO Basic/MAO Pro, and have a website at which leads you to Facebook. Confusing to say the least; I’d prefer to see one powerful and recognizable brand name reign supreme over these marketing fragments.

If you’re in the market for a tablet that can be used with a stylus, perhaps you needn’t look for the perfect Stylus equipped tablet. StudioPen on the Galaxy Tab or iPad offers a compelling solution that, as you can see, is pretty fun.

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