Sprint, AT&T, Verizon Team-Up For CTIA Keynote On Collaboration

Today’s keynote is the most interesting from our standpoint as executives from the top mobile carriers in the United States join together to tag team the performance. Here is a run down of notes and interesting tidbits from the keynote.

The CTIA President fittingly started the day with a quick Steve Jobs tribute before dropping some pretty interesting industry stats:

Dan Hesse, Sprint CEO:

  • Wow… he just said AT&T’s Ralph De La Vega looks like John Wilkes Boothe- the guy who assassinated Lincoln!
  • Some interesting talk about extreme weather, natural disasters and plans the wireless industry has to send messages to alert people of disasters, potential disasters and how to plan and recover. I think this is actually a great, great way for competitors to work together and it’s long overdue.
  • 500 million smartphone owners will be using a healthcare app by 2015
  • He’s saying some pretty nice things about Verizon, AT&T, and their eco-friendly initiatives. Sorry TMO… looks like you’re left out.
  • Hesse talks a lot about machine-to-machine optimizations and how it can create wide-reaching improvements such as saving hundreds of millions of gallons of water a day
  • Hesse just installed a camera on his teenager’s car that records video of troubling situation based on key indicators and e-mails the video to he and his wife. Uhohs… two hands on the wheel little Johnny!
  • In conclusion, Hesse exclaims this is a wonderful time for all of us in the wireless industry to have a positive impact on the world. And I would agree.
  • As Dan Quail once said, “The future will be better tomorrow.” Gets some laughs.

Ralph De La Vega, AT&T CEO

  • Ralph’s stage presence is great, but a stark contrast with the calming/soothing voice of Hesse. He does some playful prodding of Dan’s initial comments regarding him and moves on.
  • Highlights customization/collaboration with companies like Nike (design your own shoes), and Boeing (design our new jet), as leading the way for what he calls “global collaboration”.
  • He calls this “Rethinking Innovation”
  • AT&T opened three labs called AT&T foundry to focus on collaboration and innovation. They’re in Texas, Israel, and Silicon Valley.
  • Video of AT&T Foundry is actually pretty cool. Maybe it’s just the hiphop soundtrack that has me all hyped up but either way, I like the access they’re providing to partners and developers.
  • AT&T allows ALL employees to submit their app ideas to the company- anyone from a new hire to a high level exec. It’s working: 100,000 employees have contributed 400,000 ideas and 50+ ideas have been put into practice.
  • Piko Logic uses AT&T’s machine to machine technology, incorporating wireless signals in a personal medical monitoring/reporting device. Take Piko Logic with you, use it or breathe into it wherever you are, and the metrics and vitals can be shared with your doctor instantly thanks to the partnership with AT&T. This is actually really, really cool and illustrates this whole machine-to-machine opportunity.
  • Video plays on AT&T’s Emerging Devices Group which highlights a fall detection device for seniors, Ford Motors providing their integrated dashboard system, and Amber Alert GPS. All 3 incorporate AT&T’s connectivity in devices that aren’t phones, but instead are specific devices built for a very focused and specific purpose. ENORMOUS opportunity here.
  • Wearable devices? De La Vega sees this as an enormous opportunity as well.

Dan Meade, Verizon Wireless CEO

  • Mead has been VZW CEO for just over a year now
  • Like Hesse, Mead discusses all the various disasters in recent years and the newly utilized mobile resources used collaboratively to help save lives. Right on.
  • Discusses Verizon’s LTE Innovation Center in Massachusetts and an Applications & Innovation Center in San Francisco that were both launched over the summer.
  • Mead identifies specific cases where Machine-to-Machine collaboration with 3rd parties have created great opportunities. Examples include a robot that transforms the way a disabled youth can learn and interact and a system to prevent railroad collisions and derailing while alerting authorities when something may not be quite right.
  • Closing thoughts includes a mention on “limited government intervention” and mentions a few caveats. What does that say about AT&T acquiring T-Mobile? Hmmm.
  • Really drives home how wireless industry is in a unique position to make the world a better place.
Kumbaya! Time to hit the show floor and get some great video of the new devices announced. Afterall, that’s what you REALLY want, isn’t it?
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