How Often Do You Use Android’s Voice Actions? [Poll]

With today’s announcement of the already outdated iPhone 4S (har-har), I got to thinking about their “revolutionary” new voice recognition service, Siri. Seems Apple-fanboys everywhere think it’s the bee’s knees, believing it could change the way users interact with their smartphones forever. Well, there’s just one thing — Android has featured voice actions for a little over a year now and it ain’t all that.

As cool as voice commands sound, in my personal experience, I’ve found that speaking to your phone to send a text, or perform a Google search never seemed all that more efficient then quickly swiping to your app and typing out some quick text. Sure it’s fun to occasionally whip it out in front of people but aside from showing off — it rarely gets used. And yes, I understand how valuable voice commands can be while driving but after sending a text message to my pastor that I rape small animals, I decided texts while driving can wait. Even the voice kind.

So, out of pure curiosity I wanted to hear from our readers. As spoiled Android users with all the latest features Apple is trying to catch up to, how often do you find yourself actually using the voice search/commands on your smartphone? Is this as big a deal as Apple is making it out to be? Maybe you would use it more if it was better implemented like Siri? I wont make this too complicated and will separate it into only a few categories. Don’t be shy everyone and let’s get to voting!

[polldaddy poll=5558147]

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