
Developer Successfully Ports Beats Audio to HTC EVO 3D [ROM]


A developer on XDA known as Virus has successfully managed to cook up the very first Beats audio ROM for the EVO 3D. The ROM is essentially a port of the stock Sensation XE ROM but built from the ground up to allow compatibility for the EVO 3D on Sprint. This is actually the first EVO 3D ROM to feature HTC’s new Beats technology so I’m sure many rooted 3VO owners will be excited to try this one out. Check out the full list of all the mods featured in this ROM below.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • THE FIRST 3d rom to have FULL BEATS AUDIO from the Sensation XE!!
  • REMOVED CARRIER IQ from EVERY smali file in ever jar !!
  • Odexed for a SMOOTH EXPERIENCE
  • ROOT (SU + SuperUser Permissions – Thanks to ChainsDD)
  • Zipaligned (Improved RAM management)
  • Zipalign on boot (for user applications on data partition)
  • init.d scripts (BusyBox run-parts) support
  • NANO text editor & sysro/sysrw commands support
  • All the sense packages have been opted and extra languages have been removed (Will finish with the rest of the apps soon)
  • Full HTC Sense 3.0 Interface
  • Fully Optimized and Tweaked
  • Forced GPU UI Rendering
  • SD Card speed tweak
  • Battery auto-calibration script (Thanks to seo)
  • Bloatware applications removed
  • Signature check hack by RC Team
  • Eternity Custom lock ring (THANKS wrmx4temp)
  • Eternity custom bootscreen (Thanks wrmx4temp)
  • Transparent notif pulldown
  • Transparent app drawer
  • Disabled scroll by page in app drawer
  • SMS Backup & Restore feature (Thanks Xron)
  • Enhanced stock browser (Custom UI string, 20tabs & more) (Thanks Xron)
  • Stock % battery display
  • CRT TV screen on/off animation
  • unlocked HTCModem (USB tethering & internet sharing)
  • unlocked hotspot (thanks leoisright)
  • 5-in-1 reboot menu
  • DSP manager (thanks cyanogen)
  • EPST that allows all ## codes
  • ipv6 privacy enhancement (rfc4941)
  • Modified Camera (Extra scenes, Mirror app, ability to toggle shutter sound on/off, long press on screen to take pictures and 2MP resolution for front cam) (Thanks SteelH)
  • Lots of build prop enhancements (Thanks Mike1986 Leadroid and Romanbb)
  • ext4 tweaks (Thanks TrevE)

Now that development seems to be up in full effect on the EVO 3D, I think the time for root is now. Hit up the source link for download links and the thread for InfectedROM Eternity with XE Beats Audio.

[Via XDA]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Glad to see this! May get off my butt and finally root my 3VO ;)

    1. You haven’t rooted it yet….?

  2. ….beats audio? i thought it was a combination of special speakers along with software.

    well if i had an evo3d i would try it but i dont.. wonder how this is…

    1. No nothing to do with speakers…beats audio is the process at which the audio is carried to the speaker…the speakers are not beats speakers at all

      1. So this means Beats Audio will trickle it’s way to all ROMs?

  3. Check out for more info on this. Better place to go for all of Virus’ ROMs.

  4. this is the fastest and best rom to date

  5. This Rom rocks. Been using his roms for a long time. Runs perfectly. You have to try this Chris. You won’t be disappointed.

  6. There has been beats audio in other roms such as Myns Warm 2.3. And the .Zip file has been out for over a month

  7. Glad im trading my photon in for the evo 3d.

  8. Beats Audio….what Creative SHOULD have done a long time ago! Beats reminds me or Monster Cable….its all in the name.

    1. that could be because beats IS monster

  9. Love the image of the woman in the green scarf!

  10. Wow – a successful port of an equaliser setting.

    I’m sure this is a good rom, but the whole beats audio thing is so weird.

    Crazy how much hype there is over a glorified bass boost button!

  11. Great job! Now, if we can only get those guys over on XDA to stop being such A-holes to anyone that asks a question on their site, it’d be even better. Bunch of effin loosers over there if you ask me.

    1. I visit there a lot and contribute.

      The biggest thing is that people don’t read or search first and ask questions that have been asked a billion times. People who are regulars get tired of that. Some get snarky if you want someone to take the time to answer when you didn’t take the time to search.

      It is supposed to be a place of development and help… just search first and post in the correct forum. Newbies are welcome and it helps to be descriptive in posts. Also it helps to be able to put thoughts into words as some people give a wall of incomprehensible nonsense. Its kind of hard to help.

      But as anything internet related. There be trolls and elitists. Because they can be and you don’t know them.

  12. Ahhh, pure artistry. Good job to the guys at XDA!

  13. Looks like I’m rooting tonight!

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