AT&T Says You Can Keep Your T-Mobile Rate If Merger Goes Through

If you’re currently a T-Mobile customer and you’ve been wondering what the world will look like after the proposed AT&T-Mo merger takes place, TMoNews may have the answer. Seems T-Mobile has updated their internal FAQ used to educate their employees on sensitive customer matters like, exactly what will happen once the AT&T acquisition takes place.

According to the document, customers will be grandfathered into keeping whatever plan they had while on T-Mobile. That’s not all. Apparently, T-Mo customers will be able to keep the plan even when their term is over and continue onto a month-to-month contract. Sounds pretty of ‘ol AT&T but — there is still the question of upgrades. Once you take one of AT&T’s subsidized phone’s, you will more than likely enter into a whole new contract with them and their rates. AT&T is tricky like that.

[Via TMoNews]

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