ZiiLABS has outed the latest reference design in their Honeycomb series of tablets, the Jaguar3. Based around the company’s ZMS series of chips, the slates measure in as some of the thinnest yet. The standard magnesium case measuring 8.1mm thick gives the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 a run for its money, but if you are willing to run with your own money the design can be tooled down to a mere 7.4mm. The 10.1-inch slate can be outfitedd with the 1.5GHz dual-core ZMS-20 CPU or a quad-core ZMS-40, and other specs include a customizable camera configuration maxing out at 12MP. The photo snapper can be coupled with software supporting HDR imagery and panoramic shots. Upgraded sound configurations are handled courtesy of Creative’s Sound Blaster.
The whole package isn’t designed as a direct-to-consumer slate but rather as a starting point for OEMs to leverage the ZMS CPUs integrated into the setup. When we could see our first street-legal version of the Android 3.2 Jaguar3 isn’t known at this point.
[via Engadget]