More Samsung Prime Rumors – Device To Be Announced After iPhone 5 Launch?

It’s time for yet another, Samsung Nexus Prime rumor (like you could get enough). This time, I received an email today from one of our readers in regards to the Verizon version of the device code named “Droid Prime.” Our tipster was able to squeeze out some info from a close friend who works deep within Verizon’s HQ. The Verizon insider confirmed that the “Prime” will in fact be headed to Verizon and is looking on schedule for either a November 17th or 24th launch. Also mentioned was the fact that he hasn’t heard anything on the device being labeled as one of Verizon’s “Droid” devices (Droid Prime). Apparently, the reason for the Prime’s November launch could have everything to do with the iPhone 5 rumored to hit Verizon in late October. According to the email, the Samsung Prime might not even be announced until sometime after the iPhone 5’s launch. Once again, this is all “he said, she said” and while this is nowhere near “official,” I’ve always been one for juicy gossip.

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Thanks Droidfan11!

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