We last told you about the TouchPal virtual keyboard back in July and how it was shaping up to be a really good Swype alternative. Unfortunately, back then the app was in private beta and the only way to get your fingers on it was by contacting its developer Cootek via Twitter. It’s been a long time coming but I am pleased to announce that the TouchPal keyboard is finally out of beta and available in the Android Market.
As one of the first beta testers, I admit, I was having trouble getting TouchPal to replace my beloved Gingerbread keyboard. Thankfully, the TouchPal has come a long way since then and is now leaps-and-bounds better than its predecessor. Check out some of TouchPal’s features:
- Unique patented technologies of TouchPal Keyboard
- TouchPal Curve – the first predictive sliding in the world!
- Intelligent next-word prediction. It may save up to 80% keystrokes.
- Magic mistyping correction on Full QWERTY layout. Blind typing is no longer a dream!
- Mixed language input allows auto language detection. No need to switch languages.
- Innovation of T+ dual-letter layout. Bigger keys than QWERTY!
- Multi-lingual support (download language packs after installation)
- Voice input (system requirement: Android 2.2 or above)
- Outstanding dictionary with online update
- Import contact list to your user dictionary
- Backup/restore user dictionary in SD card
- Slide down on keys to quickly input number and symbols
- Fantastic sliding experience
The only thing left now is for you guys to give it a shot. TouchPal is free right now in the Android Market but only for a limited time. Cootek is rewarding early adopters by making the app free until October 31st. Make sure to try it out for a few hours to get the hang of it. After that, don’t forget to rate in the Market accordingly. As always, I would love to hear your guys’ feedback in the comments as well. Happy swiping!
Thanks, Timmy!
HC optimized?
you got what in your trunk? rofl
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh… shoot. >.<
Touchpal? Im pretty sure that was the name of an app or keyboard I had on my WinMo HTC Touch Diamond back in the day.
I love this keyboard. I like it better than swype! I’ve been waiting for this for awhile now.
This is a pretty nice keyboard, it combines swype plus the next word prediction of swiftkey x
It doesn’t seem to swipe as accurately as swype
It bothers me that it’s free… Does it have ads? Or are they data farmers? Those are the only two reasons I can think of for putting so much time into a app and giving it out..
No ads, just free until Oct. 31 to early adopters. (I am a little disappointed that my slide out keyboard doesn’t work when I have this active.)
If you read the post it says its free for a limited time. *eyeroll*
It’s alright but I still think physical keyboards beat on-screen keyboards any day. :)
But can you SWIPE on a physical keyboard? Didn’t think so…
I have big fingers, on-screen keyboards aren’t my thing. I WANT to use them because it’s a hassle to slide out my keyboard every 30 seconds but the physical keyboard is what has the best accuracy for me. If you can recommend a better on-screen keyboard, I’m all ears. :D
Currently I’ve got a D2G and the keyboard I have installed is the Gingerbread keyboard (from the Market by dev “Steven Lin”).
i tried swype dude, its horrible to use, im sure for some people that are used to just a virtual keyboard that it works wonders, but for me , and those like me that are old school keyboard users, the physical one is mega fast.
,,. awesomeee.. I just got a $829.99 iPad2 for only $103.37 and my mom got a $1499.99 HDTV for only $251.92, they are both coming with USPS tomorrow. I would be an idiot to ever pay full retail prîces at places like Walmart or Bestbuy. I sold a 37″ HDTV to my boss for $600 that I only paid $78.24 for.
I use EgoWïn.com
I’m kinda skeptical too. Is this a well known company or just another possible data farming company? The keyboard seem like a blatant copy of technologies by Swype and Swiftkey and I would seriously doubt this company won’t get into legal trouble for it. So, the fact that they release such software AND give it for free for a while and based off China (where suing them is going to be next to impossible) makes them seem like fishy data farmers.
I really wish Android had options to give selective permissions. I would gladly install this SW if I didn’t have to give it access to my SD card or contacts.
i tell this to as many people as i can, but it never sinks in, no one cares about your contacts, or the contents of your sd card. even if they did get info off the card or the phone, do you really think if someone wanted your personal info the only place they could get it would be off your precious sd card ?
Contact info is very much useful. You can get personal emails that people don’t give out to companies, phone numbers, etc for marketing. If it’s a shady company, what’s going to stop them from farming emails and selling them?
Just use DroidWall or LBE Privacy Guard to keep TouchPal offline. The app keeps working, but it won’t be able to phone home.
Even if you block it you can still download language packs, because TouchPal fires up the market for that.
I guess that needs rooting? I haven’t rooted my phone.
That symbol looks alittle like the loser sign…alol
hey chris, just wonder if you would give us your thoughts on the paranoia of app permissions. i think its a non-issue since ive been downloading apps without incident since 2008. i think a person worried about an app, of all things, having too many permissions is a person that doesnt get out much, or maybe is just a bit narcissistic. besides, data farmers dont need cell phone apps to get info, our info is out there, if someone is hell bent on getting it, theyre gonna get it. i dont worry about such things, then again i am old school….. lol
Hated swype and Swift Key this blows them away its smooth fast and the prediction rocks
Sweet! Can’t wait to try it!
Thanks for the tip that this is free. I’ll try it out.
ok given it a try but its driving me mad. Seems to take too long to manually type a new word should it not detect it. and i’m frequently getting doubled up words when starting an input such as:
WhatWhat are you doing?
WhereWhere are you going?