Google Engineer Uses The Power of Android and Google Maps To Propose To His Girlfriend

In one of the more geeky (and equally awesome) stories I came across today, a Google engineer by the name of Ari Gilder proposed to his girlfriend today using a combination of Google Maps and a custom app he built on his Nexus One. The girlfriend was given the Nexus One and then, using the Google Maps to plan her route, she would check in at various locations using the custom app to receive a rose and a picture.

Directions to the next location were locked by a password that the girlfriend had to figure out by successfully answering a question about their relationship. You see, this would never work if it was turned around. Men forget everything. Anyway — back to the story. Once, future Ms. Gilder, reached the final checkpoint she was then met by Ari who dropped to one knee and popped her the final question (I promised myself I wouldn’t cry).

This just goes to show you the creative minds working at Google. Oh- and thanks Ari for making the rest of us men look bad. I can barely build a tiny house out of popsicle sticks let alone a custom Android app. In any case, congrats Ari and his fiance!

[Via Electronista]

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