Samsung Hercules (T989) and AT&T Variant (I927) Make Their Way Past The FCC

The Samsung Hercules (T989), T-Mobile’s variant of their Galaxy S II device, was discovered making it’s way through the FCC today. What’s of particular interest is the fact that the device will be equipped with NFC (Near Field Communications) as seen in the filing above. Not to be outdone by T-Mobile, AT&T’s own version of the Galaxy S II (I927) also made a surprise appearance in a filing of its own (pictured below). Strange seeing how I could have sworn the I927 already had an FCC filing in August.

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Both devices have been rumored to launch soon on their respective carriers and unveiled in a Galaxy S II event being held on August 29th in New York. Today’s FCC filings just bring us one more step to both the device’s inevitable release and Galaxy S II world domination.

Thanks, Jamil!

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