
MIUI Music Player Now Available For All Devices


You may have seen last night’s announcement about the MIUI phone, the MI-ONE and I’m sure you’ve seen us post from time-to-time on the MIUI ROM. It’s no secret, I’m a pretty big fan of the ROM. Thanks to DroidUniverse, you too can have your own little taste of MIUI thanks to the extracted Music Player app. Simply download and install using either of the two links below, no root required.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Download MIUI Music Player v1.4.22


MIUI’s music player is arguably one of MIUI’s greatest native applications with a polished UI and full set of features, I, myself, have found myself missing this app from my stock Evo 3D. While I can’t say it will replace streaming my music through Google Music, when it comes to playing MP3’s off my SD card, there’s no other Music app I’d rather be using. At the very least, give MIUI music a shot even, if you’re happy with your current music player. You may be surprised.

[Via AndroidSpin]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. wish they had a replacement to the desk clock

    1. I think the Chinese version of MIUI has it’s own desk clock, but they have yet to port it to the non-Chinese versions of the ROM.

  2. Nothing really new. I’ve been enjoying the MIUI music app on my OG Droid for pretty long. All you really had to do was get out Root Explorer, dump in your system apps, change the permissions, reboot and presto! Now if they can get that file manager of theirs to support onto all devices!

    1. The file manager is my fave app!!!!!!!!!

      1. I like how it recognizes file types, but the lack of renaming forced me to get a second file explorer for that purpose.

        I hope they add that feature in a future update.

        1. Needs root permissions too, I always end up using ES because of that

    2. …just run MIUI, it’s the best rom out there :)

  3. Chris, I would like to have the MIUI lock screen you showed us a few days ago, any clue where I can find it.

    1. Lockscreen is built into the MIUI framework so I don’t think it can be extracted. Will have to root and flash an MIUI ROM for that one. I do have another MIUI post coming tomorrow that you might not wanna miss =)

    2. Try “Widgetlocker”

    3. Like Mike said, you can get WidgetLocker. I know for a fact that there are many MIUI-esque themes for that app. And, so far as I know, it doesn’t require root to use.

  4. Great application, I swear by it.

  5. I really hope it was someone at Phandroid who posted the screenshots, and that you truly do have Justin Beiber ft. Jayden Smith on your SD card.

    1. I will never say never, Gregory. o_O

  6. WHY OH WHY….Do people want their Android phone to look like an iPhone. I understand liking the music player and even the theme engine but the fact remains it turns the basic UI functions of Android into IOS.

    1. MIUI is leaps and bounds better than an iPhone. It’s Android in every single way but with more UI polish and tweaks. <3

      1. I agree with both of you, though more so with Chris. MIUI does seem to take visual ques from iOS, but it’s a lot different…and most importantly, it’s still android.

        What I like about MIUI is that it manages to polish the OS while still keeping core functionality intact and actually improving on the user friendliness of some of the features.

        Only thing I kinda miss from stock is the app drawer. Kinda annoys me how it will automatically add an extra screen if you forget to put your new apps into a folder. But I’m OCD about that kinda stuff so it’s not a big deal.

  7. great player! but no equalizer(((

    1. It does have an equaliser. Double tap on the album art in the now playing screen.

  8. anyone having problems running the online music portion on there ? im getting the “file not recognized”

  9. Good music player!


    + 100 Justin Bieber – Never Say Never :)
    Love You Justin Drew Bieber <<33

  10. But is it better than PowerAmp?

  11. So does this have the lock-screen like in the MIUI ROMS? If not, the i’ll stick with PowerAmp.
    Ran MIUI 1.8.12 on my Nexus for a while but went back to AOSP, and PowerAmp is the shizzle.

  12. I prefer Winamp for my music needs. =)

  13. One thing I learned from this article is that Chris Chavez has never used PowerAmp.

  14. I am never getting this app, it seems it comes pre-loaded with Justin Bieber. The killer of music.

  15. Anyone wanna port the MIUI sms app??

  16. They should make 2 versions of MIUI: one with an app drawer and one without it.
    It will attract way more people.. (Including myself)

  17. miui music player: shake to skip to change tracks, automactly donwload music lyrics, option to play by folder, big widget with lyrics show and display spectrogram … just amazing ……best android music player,,,!

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