Apps of the Day: Gogo Inflight Internet, ScanDroid Kingdom, and More

Every day we peruse the Android Market looking for the best, worst, interesting, and most unique apps in an effort to sift out a few gems. We call it Apps of the Day. We can’t guarantee that every app featured below is a real winner, but each is worth at least a quick look. It’s all in an effort to help you, our faithful readers, get the most out of your Android handsets. Read on to see what we found today!

Gogo Inflight Internet – Frequent flyer, are we? Find yourself on plenty of flights using Gogo’s inflight WiFi? Works well enough for the old laptop, but it’s terribly finicky when trying to access the service via your phone or tablet’s browser. Enter the Gogo app for Android, which erases the hassle and gets you all the WiFi you need to in-air entertainment and web surfing galore. App is free, WiFi still not free. [Market]

ScanDroid Kingdom – It’s still in beta, but ScanDroid Kingdom should get the old-school text RPG nerds drooling. Scan barcodes to create your hero, scan more barcodes to earn powerups and experience, scan even more barcodes to generate enemies to fight. You see where this is going? There is plenty of room for improvement, but features such as online battles show that the game is headed in the right direction. [Market]

Beaver Browser – Beaver Browser is an inconspicuous app for accessing the web without leaving a trace. Privacy is the key here with password protected image and bookmark folders. The name should give you a hint at the type of things one might be browsing when using Beaver. If you can’t figure it out you probably don’t need the app. Aside from helping you hide your dirty habits or embarrassing web obsessions, the browser is fully functional with tabbed browsing and plenty of other features. You won’t be downloading this one for that, though. [Market]

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