Google Decides to Retire App Inventor But It Will Live On Through Open Source

The bad news? Google has officially announced that they will no longer be supporting App Inventor and will be closing the doors on this Google product sometime within the next 90 days. The good news? App Inventor will be given new life with Google open sourcing the code for all.

App Inventor was a tool provided by Google that allowed would-be developers to make an app with little-to-no programming knowledge what-so-ever. Instead of writing code, all a user would have to do is visually design an app using App Inventors GUI and use blocks to specify the app’s behavior. Most people used it to create “gallery apps” or even simple games like “WhackAMole” and submit them into the Android Market where they sat back, and watched the money pile up.

The death (and inevitable rebirth) of App Inventor comes with the shutting down of Google Labs of which AI was apart, so most of us knew this was coming. Props to Google for open sourcing the code and I’m excited to see what comes out of the ashes. Long live App Inventor!

[Via GoogleLabs]

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