Following Amazon, the folks at GetJar have started a program to offer free applications to users that would otherwise cost coin. They’re calling it GetJar gold and it works a bit differently from Amazon’s. For starters, more free applications are available at one time, and they’re added by the bulk – no having to hope you don’t miss out on an app because you forgot to check the app market.
Unfortunately, it’s unclear how long these paid applications remain free. GetJar says new apps will be added weekly on their page, however, so you can at least expect new content often.
Our friend Artem points out that applications downloaded from GetJar are a “one-time” thing, meaning any updated version would need to be submitted as a new app to GetJar and you would need to pay for it if a developer decides to go that route.
We’ll reach out to GetJar to get more information regarding the promotion, but in the meantime be sure to check out their pretty decent list of applications if you don’t mind straying from the Android market or Amazon. [Droid-Life]
What about apps you pay for? Will you have to pay every time you update?
You don’t pay. They are free. Future updates we’ll see …
I’m guessing this is only for the USA?
US / UK for now ;)