Samsung Galaxy Skin – The Future of Android Phones [Concept]

As much as I wanted to title this post “BREAKING: Leaked Pics of the Samsung Galaxy S 3” I refrained myself. Either way, this is still pretty impressive. Normally, I’m completely against concept phones. I think they’re silly. Yes, they always look sexy, but in the end will do nothing but give you tech-balls (no need to explain). The reason I’m posting this concept phone in particular is because there has been a lot of technical advancements in terms of flexible AMOLED displays and flexible lithium ion batteries these past few months. So, while we’re still probably around 10 or 20 years away from actually making a phone like this possible — I mean, c’mon. It’s pretty damn cool. Just grab a towel and drool over these pics for the next 5 minutes.

[Via YankoDesign]

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