HTC Providing T-Mobile Stores With SD Cards To Update Handsets

This is different. TMo News came across this internal memo from T-Mobile informing stores that they will begin receiving SD cards from HTC for use when updating customers’ devices. Apparently, some customers will receive a text message to come into a T-Mobile location where a sales rep will update their device to the latest software and/or Android firmware. The only 3 devices in question seem to be the Mytouch 3G Slide, Mytouch 4G and the G2. I guess this new program is for those who are so tech illiterate, pushing “Yes” to an over-the-air update may be too complicated for them (or simply neglected to update their device). Hey, I can’t even change my car oil so I ain’t mad at’cha.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[Via TMoNews]

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