
Mid-Range Samsung Slider Appears to be Headed for Boost


Samsung has yet another mid-range slider headed for yet another carrier. This time, it’s Sprint’s Boost Mobile who will be getting their hands on what’s being called the Samsung SPH-M930. If this model number seems familiar, it’s because Sprint has a similar device – the Transform – with the model number SPH-M920.

This phone will apparently have a 3.2 inch display, a 2 megapixel camera, a full slide-out QWERTY and a 1GHz Qualcomm processor. This makes it a decent step up on paper, but at the end of the day may not be much to write home about. In any case, it’ll be a good option for those who prefer to go the prepaid route. No official announcement or even an FCC appearance has cropped up. [PocketNow]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Don’t want to nitpick, but a 4 row keyboard is definitely not a “full slide-out QWERTY” keyboard. It’s certainly a QWERTY keyboard, but not a full one.

    1. That’s subjective to whoever’s looking at it. To me and many others, a “full” QWERTY is a keyboard with separate keys for each letter of the alphabet. Hence, “QWERTY”, not “QWERTY1234567890”. When I say “full” QWERTY, I’m usually trying to differentiate between that and a half-QWERTY keyboard that has two letters sharing one key.

      1. I could be wrong, but I’m quite sure half QWERTY landscape keyboards don’t exist. It would make sense mentioning “full” when talking about a portrait keyboard like the galaxy pro, but landscape keyboards by default gives each letter a key, so there’s no point calling it full or not based on how many letters are in a key.

        1. Seriously? Semantics? Nice write-up Quentyn!!

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