
Android 3.2 For Motorola Xoom WiFi Still Rolling Out – Verizon Users Next


Motorola announced on their Twitter a few hours ago that the much anticipated Android 3.2 update for the Xoom WiFi version is still rolling out in phases. They didn’t want to leave out all you Verizon Xoom owners and said you can expect a rollout in the coming weeks.

Just how long are Motorola’s “weeks?” Well, that remains to be seen. But let’s hope it’s not too much longer. I’ve seen a few posts where rooted Xoom users have already got their hands on the 3.2 update and one of the new features is SD card support. Why or how this wasn’t enabled at launch completely baffles me. Also, that cool new zooming feature for lazy app developers. Here’s a little motivation for all you still patiently waiting.

[Via Twitter]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Here is a guide on how WIFI Xoom users worldwide can manually update their Xoom

  2. It’s awesome. Faster and SD support!

  3. Just got my 3.2! (Albuquerque area)

  4. Meanwhile, users elsewhere in the world still await the 3.1 update (which still doesn’t actually have any set date!) – you guys really ought to report on this, it’d help to put pressure on Motorola and perhaps actually get some solid information.

    1. I have a feeling this will be the last motorola product I purchase. I look at the lack of international support, u.s. still has not received lte upgrade (originally promised 6 weeks after release), Over pricing the product and I really could keep going. I have personally sent emails to Motorola, I am done. I would rather have the galaxy tab with touchwiz and better display.

      Oh yeah and releasing with no SD support???? What is that about?

  5. Another problem I’ve been having is Facebook on Xoom as soon as you touch the friends tab the app crashes.

    1. That’s a Facebook problem. Go to Manage Apps, select Facebook, and then choose “Uninstall Updates”. I had that issue with the last version of Facebook, but the latest update seems to be running pretty smoothly.

    2. Don’t use the app. Seriously, the browser experience is much better. Still has some flaws but feels more like facebook. If you insist on using an app, friend me is a great honey comb app.

  6. Wake up Motorola Canada! We are still sitting with 3.0 with no time frame for any sort of update.

  7. I got the upgrade last night and now it loooks like some aspect of the epub software is broken so that book text does not appear I was using overdrive and that broke reinstalled no joy. I have downloaded a good half dozen epub readers and the all exhibit the same problem so I am thinking it is something near the core of the adobe mobile reader. Very unimpressed that this has happened is there a way to try and reinstall 3.2 in case that did not work correctly or to revert back to 3.1 or 3.0?

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