Microsoft Wants Samsung to Pony Up $15 per Android Phone

Microsoft has been busy bullying smaller companies into licensing deals over elements of the Android OS that supposedly infringe on some of the Redmond-based software giant’s many patents. Companies with a bit more leverage have been a bit more resistant. Such is the case with Samsung, manufacturer of both Android and Windows handsets. The Korean smartphone maker is reluctant to come to terms with Microsoft, who is reportedly asking for a fee of $15 for every Android handset Samsung sells. Samsung has countered the offer with a slightly lower $10 per phone and a promise to become a bigger player for Windows Phone 7.

Both offers rise above the $5 per phone tax HTC is said to be paying Microsoft, though a deeper history between the two companies probably played a role in that deal. It’s the same sort of business relationship Samsung is hoping will save their company a few dollars. No matter how the money pans out, with more and more manufacturers forking over their dough to Microsoft it is becoming harder and harder for even the major players to avoid striking a deal. The last thing Samsung needs is another drawn-out patent war.

[via Reuters]

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