
[Update: False Alarm, Closed Again] Google+ Now Open to All?


UPDATE: It looks like Google+ might not be open to the public, after all. After personally being able to sign up to the social network without an invite from a current member (or from Google’s own beta program), it appears seconds later the doors to Google’s promised land have once again been closed to open sign-ups. Sorry for the false alarm!

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Well ladies and gentlemen, it looks like you didn’t have to wait long to join Google+ if you missed out on the first round of invitations. If you head on over to plus.google.com the social network is now open for all to join. So head on over, sign into your Google account, join in a few easy steps, and start filling up those circles. Just in case this is another limited opening I have already made my account. Anyone trying to hangout?

[Thanks, Kawang!]

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

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  1. It still says “keep me posted” for me.

  2. Umm #fail for me.


  4. Not in the UK its not!

  5. Not letting me in here.

  6. they do this every hour. let some people in and then close again. it will be officially open to the public beginning of next month

  7. That’s not true. I just tried it on a different Google account and it doesn’t work.

  8. Yeah, only option is to “keep me posted”

  9. Not open for me still?

  10. nothing here….

  11. Just tried on a second account and it must be closed again

  12. Still shows the same screen for me. Limited trial… Working for anyone else?

  13. I just went there and it is not showing a log in for it. :-( 12:10PM EST

  14. not working for me

  15. Nope. Not open to me, at least.

  16. Still got the “Keep me posted” here as well…

  17. doesn’t work for me :/ still “Keep me posted” :(

  18. Not open.

  19. Same for me, “keep me posted”.
    Where are you guys from? Maybe it is only open in the US or something?
    I am in South Africa…

    1. not open here in the US at all

  20. Can I get an invite?

  21. No luck here either… still showing that it’s in limited field trial

  22. great way to get traffic on your site – nice job. j/k :-)

  23. This was also just a limited opening.

    But if you Kevin got a invite, plz send it to [email protected] :D

  24. They have been allowing some people to sign up all along. Speculation is that it has to do with how integrated you are with people already on the service, as well as a bit of randomness thrown in for good measure.

  25. here in brazil it’s open

    1. Samuel can you send me an invite since thats the only way you can get in is by knowing someone

  26. Not working here :-( Had the login button, but threw me back to the ‘Keep Me Posted’ screen

  27. not true at all! I logged out and logged back in! You all need to take this post down!

  28. Must still be limited. After signing in I get the “Keep me posted” page.

  29. Same here… not open to all.

  30. Epic fail, Kevin. Epic fail…….

  31. There is a way to send out invites to Google+ using a gmail address even though invites are closed. Let me know via Twitter if you need help getting in.

    1. can you send me invite? [email protected]

  32. This is not open to everyone. Congrats to the early invitees!

  33. Seriously, I wish these tech sites would stop taking the opportunity to kick me in the balls repeatedly.

  34. Anyone willing to send me invite? [email protected]

  35. Worked for me! thanks.

  36. Worked for me, but I am already in so I didn’t need it. Oh, the irony.

    1. By chance, does this token work for anyone? This appears to be letting me in if I go forward with it, but I dont need it: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=oz&continue=https://plus.google.com/?gpcaz%3De142bce0&ltmpl=es2st&hideNewAccountLink=1&hl=en-US

  37. I’m in but have been unable to invite people. It seems they are keeping a very short leash on who gets in. I received an invite but never received the invite email. I was told by the person that i was invited and then tried using the app. Lo and Behold it worked.

  38. So weird…

    It wouldn’t let me sign up so I tried clearing my cookies, cache, etc. Then it said sign in with your Google account to join and when I signed in, it went back to the old “Keep me posted” page.

  39. Worked just moments ago for me. Wonder whats up with that…

  40. Anyone want to send me an invite? [email protected]

  41. anyone willing to send an invite? [email protected]

  42. I have an invite and it still won’t let me in

  43. Google really isn’t using much wisdom in marketing Plus because it is not allowing its most loyal users to become members. Those who for example own Android phones and have purchased Chromebooks aren’t given any priority on joining. Those individuals who are currently beta testing other Google products that haven’t gone public or who have tested in the past aren’t given any priority. Access to Plus isn’t being prioritized based on someone’s value within the tech community or tech newsmedia. It is a crap shoot as to whether someone is given access to Plus or not, and it it this kind of behavior that can destroy a product not boost it. It reminds me of the early days of the Google Orkut project that failed miserably because it failed to maintain momentum due to the way Google marketed it.


    1. Not like anyone has any invites to give anyway.

      1. ya i know. but it’s funny how people actually think others are actually going to go through 100s of comments to send an invite out of pure kindness =P

        ‘spammers paradise up in here’

  45. It let me sign up clicking through your link! Finally! Thanks!

  46. anybody wants to get in , i have invites , send me your email address ([email protected])

  47. send me an invite to [email protected] please

  48. send me an invite to [email protected] please

  49. send me an invite to [email protected] please

  50. anybody wants to get in , i have invites , send me your email address at ([email protected]) i got 4 people in from this post

  51. Need an invite anyone please help?

  52. I’m in!! I tried signing up with my girlfriends account, thinking I was still under my account. I signed out, and checked my gmail for an official invite, nothing. Then for the hell of it I clicked an invite I got a few days ago, and I’m in! Still learning the ropes, but I’ll send out invites after I send a few to my close friends.

    1. It’d be greatly appreciated if you could send one over to [email protected]

  53. Open now… I just got in and set up.

  54. Wasn’t open….I just tried.

  55. If you want a Googleplus invite then please give me your email address http://t.co/MTBsWsB

  56. get an invite like me!!!

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