Major T-Mobile Outtage In The New York Area


Just wanted to let you guys know that we’ve been getting emails from T-Mobile customers of a what seems to be a major outtage in the New York City area. T-Mobile confirmed a short while ago on Twitter that they are working on the problem and hope to get things worked out soon. So, if you have any friends, family or loved ones, don’t be alarmed if they aren’t answering calls and/or texts. Be safe.

[Via Twitter]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. isn’t this how the zombie apocalypse begins?

    1. Yeah, no one outside of the spreading infection zone knows what’s going on until it’s too late because all of the phone and power lines go down.

      1. well too late for the T-mobile users at least

  2. SAVE US AT&Terrible!!!!

    1. Funny enough At&t just had a massive outage 2 days ago in the South Florida area. These two are gonna be a match made in heaven. Lol

  3. Verizon should tweet – @T-Mobile: In the time your network was down in NYC but up in the rest of the country, we dowloaded 22 million more photos, 17 million more eBooks and 1 Million more apps on our 4g network.

  4. I work at T-Mobile in the NYC suburb. Customers = pissed

  5. Awwww…poor service interruptions. Poor, poor people. Go back 20 years and see how stupid this sounds!

  6. They also had a major outage in Chicago…not this week…

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