
Google+ App Updated In the Android Market – Now With Multiple Gmail Support


I was going to through this into the Android Overload but seeing how Google+ is such a hot topic these days, figured it deserved its own post. Not even 48 hours since it was released, the Google+ app has been updated to version 1.0.2 and now includes the ability to sign in using multiple Gmail accounts. Also, noted in the changelog was some minor touch ups in regards to the UI and even a “spiffy” new icon (looks the same to me?). So, if you’ve been too busy messing around with Google+ on the web, be sure to open up your Market app and update the app.

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Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Your profile icon is now a circle that is filled with your picture.

    1. Oh wait- you’re right! Lol I need to change my profile pic ASAP. =/

    2. That’s in fact the “spiffy” new icon: your profile icon within the app menu; the app icon remains the same

      1. I would love an invite!

        [email protected]

        1. Invite please: [email protected]

          1. invite over here! [email protected]

          2. Can I get an invite please! [email protected]

  2. still can’t get in even though i got an invite.

  3. Yeah this is going to be great…I can’t wait

  4. Leave your email if you want an invite :)

    1. dakandalepas[@]gmail[.]com

      thank you!

      1. There ya go boss

        1. Thanks Bro! Appreciate it very much

          1. Pass it on :) [email protected]

          2. Kane me invite an mporeis file mou.
            [email protected]

    2. I would really appreciate an invite [email protected]

    3. [email protected] can you add me bro? please :)

    4. please…thanks!

      [email protected]

    5. [email protected]

      Thanks a ton!

      1. Thanks for the quick response!

    6. Please, may i get an invite?

    7. Please Mr Spanki
      prmd142 at gmail dot com

    8. Hi Spanki, looks like you are the one to go to for invites. I’m super excited. jmart75 (at) Thanks in advance.

    9. Invite please good sir: isjr24 @ gmail dot com


    10. Would you please send one to [email protected]? Thanks, you’re awesome!

    11. Would love one too, please!
      My mail at google is havranek1024

    12.… please and thank you!

  5. Can someone please add me?? I know these can get annoying…but this is nerve wrecking lol


  6. spanki can you add me bro [email protected]

  7. would appreciate an invite please… srw[@]higherdecibel[.]net
    thank you!

    1. I gotcha

      1. gracias

    2. thank you kindly!

  8. Please invite me!
    [email protected]

  9. can someone invite me ? i’ve had a horrible week full of bad news left n right

    [email protected]

    1. I got chu

      1. can anyone send an invite my way…please??? thank you very much!!!

        [email protected]

        1. its now public dude….just go to the main website and join….=D

          1. Dude I don’t see the signup/join anywhere
            invite me if u can
            ffab78 gmail

  10. anyone have an extra invite laying around [email protected] would be much appreciated

  11. thank you to all you android peeps out there = D

  12. Someone kind enough to send an invite my way too?
    Thanks in advance.

    [email protected]

    1. Thanks for the invite. That was super fast. I love you guys.

  13. The news was fantastic..Google plus is a huge rocking app and that too with the android combination…and multiple g mail support !! for listening itself very proud being..Thanks for sharing !! web design company

  14. can i get a google+ account invitattion, thanks…

    email: [email protected]


  15. [email protected]

    If anyone has an invite that would be awesome thanks in advance.

  16. Can someone add me too please :D?

    [email protected]


  17. Yay now if someone could invite me x)

    [email protected]

    Many thanks

  18. Hey you crazy google+ers. I´d love an invite too. pls send to [email protected]


    1. and crazy fast we go. tnx.

  19. Someone please invite me! Thanks so much in advance.

  20. Someone please invite me. [email protected] Thanks so much in advance.

  21. An invite would be more than appreciated. My email’s [email protected]


    1. Thanks responders!

  22. Are there still more invites going around? You guys are the best. [email protected]

    1. its public now dude but ill send u an invite just cuz =D

      1. Thanks, Michael! I received your invite but it’s not letting me in yet. I’ll keep trying and then I’ll return the favor to someone else.

  23. Can I get an invite please, it would mean a lot to me.

  24. I would greatly appreciate an invite.

    [email protected]

  25. Thanks so much to Stephen Kopanski

    1. My pleasure! I’m still happy to invite you guys so just keep em coming!

      1. Can I get an invite, please! [email protected]

      2. Thx! Got in through your invite too

      3. Yo Spanki, you the man! thanks a billion!

      4. Hi Stephen, would you please send me an invite? [email protected]

        Thank you!

      5. bartek.andersson[at]

      6. hi Spanki,need an invite here in sunny UK,thanks a bunch..charley

        1. I love the UK!! Just give me your email :)

          1. Hey Spanki! could you send an invite to one more UK guy? [email protected]
            would appreciate it loads!

          2. [email protected]

            i would like one too if possible =)

          3. Hiya

            Another from the UK if you’ve still got any left…

            [email protected]

          4. Hiya

            Another from the UK if you’ve still got any left…

            [email protected]

      7. Thanks. Here is my email:

        [email protected]

        EDIT: Thanks very much for the quick response!

      8. invite please
        [email protected]

        edit: thanks for the quick response

      9. Thanks everyone.

      10. add me too “your spankiness” :)…[email protected] & [email protected] (wanna have a buddy i know on too)

      11. Add me toooo pratik.thakkar[at]gmail[dot]com

      12. Hello Spanki, could you please invite me vijay.penamatsa[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks a bunch!

      13. If anyone is still following this and sending invites, can you toss one my way please? gmatsko (at symbol)

      14. Psst.. Spanki… I hear you’re the guy with the hook-ups. ;)
        If you’ve still got room and are feeling particularly generous: rutherford.atlas[at]gmail[dot]com.
        Thanks if you add me. If not–well, thanks anyway!
        PS: Will spread the love if added.

      15. That would be amazing. [email protected]

      16. Please share the love: [email protected] :D

      17. If the love is still being shared direct to [email protected].
        I’m looking for every and any excuse to part ways with the “other” social network.

      18. Hey Spanki, if you still got a spare invite just laying around I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me one. jninetyblack[at]gmail[dot]com.

        thanks for your consideration.

      19. saelim at gmail dot com


      20. Thanks

      21. And another request, if you please: [email protected]

      22. [email protected] please, kind Sir.

      23. [email protected]. Pretty please! :-) Gracias!

      24. [email protected]. Pretty please! :-) Gracias!

      25. Id love one too, if possible, thanks!
        [email protected]

      26. Would love an invite if you’re still able! [email protected]
        Many thanks in advance!

      27. Hi Spanki! If you’re still inviting, my gmail address is:

        Thank you!!

      28. If you are inviting I would love one. My gmail is wrroper. Thanks in advance.

      29. Would love one, please.

        iman5802 at gmail dot com


      30. One for me Stephen? I’ll owe you one..

        [email protected]

      31. I would love an invite if you still have any. Thanks a million in advance. gmail is jambrous

      32. One more please….
        [email protected]

      33. Thanks, Spanki! You rock – now if Google+ only had the room to let me in. :(

      34. Can you please invite me??? [email protected]

        Thanks Man

      35. I would love an invite. j.scruggs @ gmail dot com


      36. Hey spanki plz send me an invite i would really appreciate it thx..GMail is [email protected]

      37. Let me have one Thanks!!! [email protected]

      38. Hi Spanki… Can you send an invite to [email protected] please? Thanks!!

      39. invite me please, [email protected]

      40. Spanki, thanks dude. It didn’t let me in, but thanks for trying. You still the man. jninetyblack[at]gmail[dot]com

        1. Try again in a few minutes. There’s lots of traffic on the site and some people have had a few problems getting on immediately. Hit me back later and I’ll be happy to send you another one if you’re still having trouble.

          1. Please Mr. Spanki…. [email protected]

          2. I’m in. Thanks again.

      41. Tnks

      42. thanks for the invite bro………. i just hope that they open it so i can use it!

      43. I would really like an invite if you could do so…[email protected]
        Thanks Spanki

      44. [email protected] thanks in advance :D

      45. [email protected] thanks much!

      46. Would love an invite

        [email protected]

    2. Got one.

    3. double post

    4. Anyone have any invites left? Please… :/
      jambrous at gmail

  26. i need an invite too good folks..i doubt any south africans are on this as yet i would love to be the first [email protected]

    someone invite a south african

  27. Would love an invite [email protected]

  28. Can someone send me an invite please? [email protected]

  29. I was just invited today and I want to return the favor!

  30. Awesome-sauce, thanks much to Stephen Kopanski!

    1. No problem! Be sure to return the favor to others :)

    2. Keith, would love an invite, please.

      iman5802 at gmail dot com


  31. if there is anyway out their awake can you please please ass me…[email protected]…would love you for ever lol

    1. Love me forever you say… get w/ me later and we can discuss terms and conditions ;)

  32. if anyone wouldnt mind sending me an invite it would be greatly appreciated ^^

    [email protected]

    thank you!! XD

  33. any invites left at all? [email protected]

  34. Can someone invite me? [email protected], Thanks!
    Cant wait to check it out:)

  35. Jeez! You’re fast!
    Thanks a heap!
    Unfortunately i can’t seem to get in – probably because in located in Sweden, i.e. outside the US.

    1. Try again in a few minutes. People from New Zealand and other countries have gotten in through me so I don’t see why you can’t. Hit me back if still no luck and I’ll be happy to send you another.

      Sweden is awesome btw!

    2. I got in and I’m from Sweden

  36. Anyone can invite me? It’s the third time I update the app but still not able to use it because I dont have an invite [email protected]

  37. Hi could anyone send an invite to Ireland…? [email protected] Thanks!

  38. I was invited by Spanki. Now, I’m trying to invite other people but it will not let me. : /
    Is there a loop hole I don’t know?

    1. Hit “Share what’s new” and type “Invite” or anything you want it doesn’t matter. Click +Add circles or people to share with. Type their email address and click on it when it gives you a menu (you’ll know because the email will turn blue.) Hit share and you’re good to go!

  39. Woooow Super fast!!!! Thanks mate!! You rock!!

    1. hook me up, if you can – blipwaztaken[AT}

  40. Thanks Stephen Kopanski, you are a legend!!

  41. hofstrah[@]gmail[.]com

    thanks so much.

  42. Can any kind sole send an invite to this lonely guy at the bottom of the page? [email protected]
    Thanks a lot!

  43. I have invitations who wants

    1. get off my turf… haha jk

      1. Need an invite please please please :-)
        prmd142 at gmail dot com

    2. I would like to check it out

      [email protected]

    3. Send an invite please chekorama
      prmd142 at gmail dot com

  44. Can anyone add me please?! Thankyou! [email protected]

  45. aaand still no apptosd
    c’mon google, your messing up

  46. Just to clarify, the icon that was updated is the profile icon… it’s now your picture in a circle, as opposed to just your picture.

  47. [email protected] — would be greatly appreciated

  48. looking for an invite too please if anyone would be kind enough. [email protected]

  49. Spanki, If you have any invites left would you please add [email protected]. Thanks

  50. could i get an invite kamsiu01 [at] gmail

  51. Now if only I could get an invite!

    aliiyf [at] gmail [dot] com

  52. I’d appreciate an invite for hdhuntr AT Thanks in advance! D.

  53. I can’t wait!

  54. Invitation pretty please! (fluttering eyelashes in nerdy way – yes, I am female)

    kerrpe at

  55. Anyone still handing out invites? If feeling generous: rutherford.atlas[at]gmail[dot]com.
    Will spread the love if invited; slow day at work, as everyone else has a vacation day. Let’s get this exponential chain of invites going!
    Thanks, fellow Phans!

  56. ge me in as well on [email protected]

  57. [email protected] if you would be so kind!!!!

  58. HEYYYYY if you need a invite reply to my thread… First 5!!!!

    1. Ricot!

      [email protected]!!


    2. Thanks!

    3. dudemanrod8[at]

      thanks! appreciate it!

    4. Got it. thanks.

    5. How about a sixth? ;)
      If anyone is kind enough to get me an invite, I’ll spread the love. I’ve got some downtime at work, so I can commit to inviting as many people as I can invite through the workaround method.

    6. you all should of got it… gmail emails only

      1. Hasn’t shown up yet, I’ll let you know when I get it. Thanks!

      2. Sure did. Ricot, you are a king among men!

  59. double post sorry

  60. Could I please get an invite, if you have time.. thanks
    [email protected]

  61. please invite darc87[at]gmail[dot]com

  62. Can someone please send me an invite?


  63. i’ll glady pay you tuesday for an invite to google+ today! please?

    [email protected]


  64. Wow, if there are any left [email protected]

  65. An invite for [email protected] would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  66. If you can still invite, I would like one: imperial07 (at)

  67. Please invite [email protected]
    I know you’re probably OVERWHELMED by all these requests, but If you could do one more that’d be great!

    1. Consider yourself invited! I won’t clutter my reply thread above, but you should have gotten my invite. Just spread the wealth as you are able ;)

  68. Okay, ladies and gents–just got my invite, so it’s my turn to contribute! I don’t have any way of knowing who on this comment thread has been invited, so you know what to do: just reply to this comment. I’m at work, but I’ll keep an eye on this for the next hour or so.

    And for those of you that I invite: spread the love!

    1. I haven’t been invited. [email protected]

    2. Any chance of you being able to invite me?

      [email protected]

      Thanks a million

  69. I’m in anyone still need an invite? Reply below

    1. Would love it, thanks !

      1. sent

        1. please invite me
          [email protected]

          1. done

          2. [email protected]..please :D

          3. didn’t receive it yet, any idea how long it takes? Thanks also

          4. Note, try the mobile app. to log in if that doesnt work they might have shut it down again.

          5. Does the invite come in the form of an email or do we just try to log in to the app or site?

    2. Thanks!

      1. sent

    3. I would love an invite. :) Please. [email protected]


    4. I do, Spanki invited me, but it’s not working for some reason, it just takes me to the main google+ page. My gmail is wrroper.


  70. invite please!

  71. Please invite [email protected]

  72. [email protected] Would love an invite if someone is willing. Thanks

  73. does anyone know if they are making an app for 1.6. I cant afford a new phone till this fall, still rocking my G1

  74. [email protected]… some 1 please invite me…pretty please with a cherry on top :P

  75. Can I get invite please, gmail

  76. Invite please at gmail
    Thank you

  77. If any generous person is still willing to send invites, would you please send one to [email protected]? Thanks!

  78. Someone please send me an invite… thanks :)

  79. Would love an invite to dejah007at gmail, it’s greatly appreciated!

  80. Still no Google Apps accounts support :(

  81. can I grab an invite? [email protected]

  82. Would greatly appreciate an invite to try this out.

    [email protected]

  83. Would someone be kind enough to invite me at [email protected]? Huge thanks!

  84. I’d love an invite! [email protected]

  85. I still need one, but why a gmail account only?


    please….still waiting for a hand!

  86. I wonder how many people are gonna get spammed? haha

  87. If anyone has a spare invite, I would appreciate one greatly!
    [email protected]

    Thanks in advance if anyone hooks me up!

  88. If anyone could send me an invite, that would be awesome: [email protected]

  89. Anyone have an invite to Google +? Much appreciated.

  90. If anyone out there still has any invites, I would love, love, love one. Gmail is DarrenMR

  91. Would greatly appreciate an invite
    [email protected]

  92. An invite to the FB Killer would be much appreciated. [email protected]

  93. I got an invite(?) (though it doesn’t actually say invite in the text of the email that I got) from Stephen Kopanski. Thanks, BTW. But when I go to google+, I get the same message that I have always gotten. “You need an invitation to sign in.” Is that normal? Did I actually get invited? Thanks for any in put or for an actual invite if that was not one. gmail is jambrous

  94. I can rock out invites follo me on twitter binglut9

  95. [email protected]

  96. if anyone would like to send an invite my way it would be much appreciated and will insure you a thousand virgins in the afterlife… [email protected]

  97. can i get an invite too? [email protected]

  98. I can help out if I get an invite [email protected]


  99. Hi! Like every other person, I’d like an invite!

    [email protected]


  100. if you guys are still in a giving mood could i get an invite [email protected]

  101. Ratrodchopper at gmail
    Can i get an invite please

  102. Ratrodchopper at gmail, can i get an invite please

  103. invite por favor

    [email protected]

    muchos gracias!

  104. Invite please,
    [email protected]

  105. May I have an invite as well? [email protected] Thanks!

  106. if anyone has a invite left could you send one my way [email protected]

  107. Invite please
    [email protected]

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