Apps of the Day: Checkin King, Call Reminder and More

Now that the Android market has new rating breakdowns for applications, it’s easy to weed out the good from the absolute crap. That’s why today’s Apps of the Day was a breeze to put together. One application is a veteran messaging platform that has blossomed and exploded into a serious BBM competitor. Another is a check-in application designed to help you check into wherever you go on whatever networks you use at the same time. Life doesn’t get any easier than that. And what do you know? No games. Check them all out below.

Checkin King – Location-based social apps have become quite the craze, so much so that many find themselves checking in to their favorite hangouts using multiple services. Foursquare, Facebook, Gowalla, and Google all offer services that let you make your current location public to friends and family within in your network. Checkin King makes checking in to any or all of those services as easy as one click. Big Brother, where art thou? [Market]

LiveProfile – Missing your BBM? While LiveProfile won’t afford you the same luxuries that RIM’s official intra-OS messaging client did, it’s still a decent client for Android. Send photos, videos, group messages and more. The best part is that it’s available for iOS, Blackberry and more, so try and wane your friends off of the BBM drug and get them over to live profile. [Market]

CallReminder – Yea, you meant to call Joey back, but you forgot what it was you were going to ask him about, didn’t you? Happens to the best of us. That’s why apps like Call Reminder exist. Call reminder allows you to specify what exactly you wanted to ask a specific contact about the next time you talk to them. The next time they call you or you call them, Call Reminder will show you the topic at hand before answering the phone. You’ll want this if you’re as forgetful as I am. [Market]

Say What!? – 1337 speak or web shorthand has never run more rampant. It’s getting so bad that some kids are beginning to use it as if it’s every day english. They use it when talking to their friends, their teachers, and now their parents. With Say What!?, that language can be converted back to easy-to-understand english and vice versa. Now, you can have that long, deep conversation that your grandmother always wanted without her having to struggle to keep up. [Market]

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