
Best Buy Will Welcome the Early Rush for the EVO 3D As Stores Open Early Friday


You had to guess this was coming, folks. Best Buy likes to open up shop early when a high-profile device launches, and if I understand correctly, the HTC EVO 3D is as high-profile as it gets. They’ll be opening their stores at 8am local times on Friday, meaning they’ll be open at 8am in whatever time zone you’re in.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Stores usually open at 10, so this gives those of you having to work on Friday morning a small window of time to get in, get your EVO 3D, and get on out. Of course, we can’t imagine many of you will be going to work as the phone will surely be commanding a majority of your attention. It launches for $200 after a two-year agreement.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I have already received mine!… I just got it this morning.  Screw waiting in lines.

    1. From what retailer did u order ur phone from?

      1. Sprint online… I was one of the lucky few that was able to receive it via free overnight shipping! Typing this on it right now! I must say, despite what all of the haters are saying, I am so far very impressed. It is lightning fast (especially compared to my dated hero).

    2. Nice…I have an appointment on Friday at 1030 to pick up mine…feels so far away… :(

  2. The days keep flying by. Almost the 24th! 
    But i dont get why this phone is so “high-profile”

    1. Biggest brand in Sprint’s history, very nice hardware (albeit some issues do plague it), and people are quite excited for it.

  3. I’m waiting for the Galaxy S II to come to Sprint first.  Then I will decide.

  4. I will be in bestbuy 8am Sharp. My appointment is for 8:45am friday. A few of my friends recieved the Evo 3d today.

    1. be ready for an ota fix for your already failed phone

      1. Well, haters gonna do one thing.

      2. Please tell me how this is a fail?  I am betting that you are saying that because it has 3D?  People are overlooking the specs of this phone simply due to the 3D capabilities.  I just received my OTA update on my EVO3D, and I have not noticed a single problem before or after the update.

         Let me guess,….  You are on Verizon and own the iClone or the Thunderbolt and they are the most innovative phones out there in your opinion? 

    2. No one cares. It’s sad that you’re just like the Apple fanboys waiting in line for hours, even days, for one silly little piece of technology that won’t have too much effect on your life. It’s a CELL PHONE. Get a life.

      1. Hey stupid ass, who are you to judge him. Let him live and enjoy his new phone. Also, where did you read that he was standing in line?

      2. You obviously don’t have a life either, since you took the time to read this article and type a reply on here…

  5. Why all the hype?  Because THEY CAN!  Sure it’s Sprint’s biggest phone, ’til GS2 and Photon get here that is.  Won’t stop me from waiting in line Friday morning with everyone else.  Why?  Because I CAN!  Strike while the anvil is hot, because next year we’ll be staring at quad-core dual screens!  Lets just hope they’ll be AFFORDABLE!

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