Blast From The Past: Classic X-Men Arcade In the Android Market

Its 1992. Boyz II Men were at the top of their game, Ross Perot just announced his candidacy for President of the US, Home Alone 2 dominated the box office and I was getting over my break-up with Kathryn Johnson by playing X-Men at my local arcade.


I was super jazzed when the classic X-Men arcade game from Konami came out for Xbox Live and PSN but somehow it flew under my radar and was released for the Android Market without my knowing. While I’m sure most of you wont be taken back to your childhood and probably have no idea who the Dazzler is (she’s deadly with rainbow light sparkles), there’s still some fun to be had. Konami used to be the king of side scrolling brawlers and X-Men is no different. There’s just something so soothing about button mashing to classic 16-bit hand drawn sprites in your mother’s basement but I digress. And with only between 1,000 and 5,000 installs on X-Men in the Android Market, this needs to change. Now.

So jump onto the Android Market and download the classic X-Men arcade game from Konami and start kicking some Sentinel butt. Wait- before you do, who’s your favorite X-Men character and why? Comment below.

[Market Link for X-Men]

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