Sprint Offers AT&T Solutions Without The Need For a Merger With T-Mobile

Sprint is at it again. Long time opponent of the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger, they have been pretty vocal about the buyout since the beginning. Which makes perfect sense seeing how they have the most to lose in the deal.

Well, instead of just appealing to the courts on how this deal could potentially hurt American consumers and free market in the US, now they’re coming up with actual solutions. Sprint has filed a technical analysis with the FCC detailing the actions AT&T could take if they in fact, wanted to increase their spectrum, data speeds and network without T-Mobile’s help.

According to Sprint, AT&T could actually spend far less than the $39 billion they’re spending to acquire T-Mobile, all while increasing their network capacity by more than 600% by 2015. Sprint said in a statement,

AT&T could increase its capacity by developing its warehoused spectrum, accelerating its 4G network buildout, and implementing a more efficient network architecture.

An AT&T spokesman fired back saying,

A company that has outsourced the management of its own network shouldn’t be giving advice to others.

But Sprint isn’t the only one giving management advice. A public interest group called Public Knowledge has also said that they will be filing a preliminary economical and technical report on how AT&T and T-Mobile could both better their networks without the need for a merger.

This whole merger business has many current T-Mobile customers fired up as well, signing online petitions and making their own voices heard which ironically, puts them in Sprint’s court. But how do you guys feel about all of this? Is there anyone out there that is actually FOR the AT&T-Mobile merger?

[Via Reuters]

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