Funny Craigslist Postings – Come Get Your Lulz [Humor]


I’m a long time user of Craigslist but I’ll be the first to admit — it’s definitely not for everyone. If you want to find a great deal on a smartphone, or you have an Android device you need to sell quick but don’t want to go through the hassle of shipping it across the country, what could be easier than dealing locally? Yes, there are those buyers who will “stand you up” or try to low ball you into oblivion. I’ve also come to find that no matter what you’re selling, it always feels like a drug deal with both parties looking over their shoulders as they examine each other’s wares.

Then there are these guys (pictured above). Not quite sure why this post made me laugh so hard after reading it. I think it has something to do with the lackadaisical way the seller simply wasn’t trying too hard to sell his G2 or his total disregard for spellcheck. And while it’s not at all a ridiculous request, asking you to meet him at the local Jack in the Box to handle the transaction kinda drove it home for me.

In any case, Craigslist is always an adventure and you’re bound to run into characters. I personally use it more than I probably should. Even had a few peeps recognize me as “that YouTube guy!”

But how about you? Do any Phandroid readers out there use this service to buy/sell your devices? Or have you promised yourself to never use the online service? Leave your thoughts, as well as any horror stories/great deals down below.

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