WildTangent, T-Mobile to Bring $.25 Game Rentals to Android

Ever wanted to try a game that didn’t have a trial version but didn’t want to risk not making the 15 minute refund window in case you don’t like it? If you hate that Google reduced the refund window on apps and games from 24 hours to 15 minutes, T-Mobile and WildTangent are looking to change that.

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For $.25, you can try a game out for 24 hours, more than enough time to decide whether or not you like it. If you don’t, no harm no foul – that’s just one less quarter to go toward your pack of game. If you want to keep it, however, that $.25 will go toward the full price of the game when you are opted to purchase it.

In order to do this, WildTangent and T-Mobile will need to provide their own download service, but they stress that they aren’t trying to be an alternative app store. Their objective is to improve game discoverability for developers who are tired of being lumped into the mess that is the Android market, and to give users a chance to try before they buy in cases where a developer doesn’t offer trial or ad-supported versions.

Additionally, they’ll look to employ “WildCoins”, a currency that’ll allow users to both rent those games and to purchase in-game items. WildCoins will be bought using carrier billing and will act just as real currency. If you’d rather not pay, you could watch a number of advertisements before being granted the ability to play – all you’ll pay is time.

It’s an interesting sounding service and one I bet WildTangent is hoping to launch with all major carriers, but it remains to be seen just how well it’ll take off. T-Mobile will eventually roll it out to all of their Android phones. [AllThingsD]

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