Motorola: 4G LTE Shipping Emails Were an Error

Yesterday, one of our XOOM-owning readers received an email from Motorola asking if he has shipped his XOOM in for the 4G LTE upgrade yet. Funny, that, as Motorola had yet to actually request the thing. In the email, they mentioned that they sent materials for him to ship the device in prepaid. He received an email from FedEx regarding a missed package before this, leading him to believe this was, in fact, the box from Motorola.

Things were fishy, though, as reports of others receiving the same were few in numbers. We questioned whether or not this could just be a small glitch in the system and reached out to Motorola for an answer. Unfortunately, it was nothing but a mere error:

A very small number of Motorola XOOM users recently received an email from Motorola regarding the 4G LTE upgrade process.  While we are very excited about being able to offer the upgrade this summer, and know our customers are equally excited about the benefits that 4G LTE speeds will bring to their Motorola XOOM, the email was sent in error.  We apologize for any confusion this may have caused, and look forward to being able to share more specifics on how — and when — users can take advantage of 4G LTE on their Motorola XOOM in the near future.

And there it is. I should note, though, that this error could indicate they’re testing the automated system for contacting users about their upgrades, meaning we could be close to the rollout. They originally promised XOOMs would be upgraded with LTE functionality 90 days from when it launched, and if my calculations are correct, we’ve long surpassed that.

Their response here only mentions a window of “summer”, meaning it’s possible (but probably unlikely) that we could see the LTE upgrade as late as late September. They did say we’d see it “in the near future”, but this is one of those cases where we’ll say “we’ll see it when we believe it”. We’re sitting tight, Motorola.

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