Apps of the Day: Study Success, Battle Harvest & More

Students, alcoholics, and security buffs rejoice! We actually have more applications than games in this edition of Apps of the Day, from apps that’ll help keep people out of your phone to ones that’ll save your life. (As well as the lives of other.) We also have a fun and whacky puzzle game for you bored folks at there, and a study tool for those of you with finals coming up. Go on, read!

Study Success – Here’s an app that I’m sure more than a few of you need. Study Success helps you time yourself while studying to help you soak up all the information you can. As you know, your brain can only handle so much information before it craps out and refuses to retain anything more. Study Success reminds you of when you should take a break from studying so that you have a better chance of remembering everything you’ve read. I wish I had this in high school, but I suppose any old time would have done. Find it for free in the Android market. [Market]

Battle Harvest – This is a puzzle game that has you saving pieces of fruit and vegetables from being turned rotten. No, really. You have to save these delicious things from this scary guy who was in prison but was let our on good behavior or something. Simply match three of the same fruits or vegetables to get them out of harm’s way. Ridiculous story aside, the game itself is quite enjoyable and worth a free (ad-supported) download. [Market]

Can You Drive? – Can You Drive doesn’t test your rad parallel parking skills. It’s an app that’ll help you avoid a DUI ticket by determining whether or not you should be behind the wheel. You can enter your weight and gender so that they know how much alcohol you can consume without getting too wasted. They use GPS to find your location and adjust their results to your county’s local laws. You can also enter specific cocktails and beers so that the application knows if a few drinks means 3 beers or 3 rum and Cokes. Let’s contribute to a safer road, folks. [Market]

Visidon AppLock – We truly are in the future, folks. No longer do you have to put in passwords, pins or swipe a pattern to get your phone securely unlocked. Even a fingerprint scanner is obsolete thanks to Visidon AppLock. It’s simple – unlock your phone or access to an application using your face. Their facial recognition technology will let you in as soon as it sees your face and will keep other prying eyes out. The only downside to this is someone can easily take a photo of you and put it in front of the camera, but it’s still cool. (And free!) Only works on 2.3+, unfortunately. [Market]

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