
HTC EVO 3D For Dummies, & What You Need to Know About Its 3D Display [Forum Talk]


We went fishing in the big ocean of conversation that we call AndroidForums.com and, considering it seems to be EVO month, caught a couple of nice things we thought might interest you. First up, forum user Vanquished whipped up the most awesome HTC EVO 3D guide you will ever find. (Naturally, he’s calling it “HTC EVO 3D for Dummies”.) Every stinking spec you could care about is there, you’ll have a good source of information about the device’s obscurities, and they include links to more discussions about bootloaders, a closer look at its specs and a whole lot more.

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One of those links contained some very interesting insight into the 3D technology used in the EVO 3D. Novox77, one of our awesome and very gracious moderators, did some digging into 3D in general and found that it can be very easy for content creators to inadvertently misuse the display, causing an undesirable viewing experience. Here’s a quick excerpt from the post:

Regarding images that pop out: already proven possible with the screen technology. But will the phone’s camera be able to capture a subject and then show it popping out? Most likely, but not guaranteed.

In another thread, I incorrectly concluded that the focal point determines the threshold where things pop out or appear behind the screen. Actually that threshold is fixed based on the distance between the lens and the offset of the sensors behind the lenses. I have no visibility into how the E3D’s sensors are set, so there’s no way to guess what the zero parallax line lies. However, once the phone is released, it will be trivial to determine this by taking a picture of a ruler that extends from the camera. If you overlay the stereo images in photoshop, the ruler will appear as a thin X. Where the convergence of the X is on the ruler will be the zero parallax line (aka point of convergence).

It only gets more informative from there, folks, so be sure to hit that thread up at your earliest convenience, as well as some of the others linked in the exhaustive EVO 3D for Dummies post mentioned above.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

HTC EVO View 4G to Launch Alongside EVO 3D June 24th?

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  1. Woo hoo, its a good time to br with sprint! First.

  2. Yeah – BUT – please BEAR IN MIND THAT I’M IGNORANT and forgive mistatements: – wouldn’t the custom drivers / binary blobs / lack of release of htc code/sense 3.0 source hamstring any effort to get 3d camera or display to work in Cyanogen mod or any AOSP custom rom?

    It’s odd – we have had the leaked 2.3 rom for a while – and we still can’t get brightness control to work on the Evo sense roms and Cyanogen Mod 7 still doesn’t have working 720p recording even… etc.

    HTC / Sprint are very damned slow about releasing things that we need… are they unofficially ‘leaking’ through 911sniper et al. to avoid their obligation to release source code?
    I really want the 3d functionality – but I hate being so dependent on not only MFG, but also Carrier and Google… 

    1. Leaked roms don’t remove open source responsibilities, nor does it provide source code – just the rom.

      Custom code by HTC is not subject to open source rules. If there’s something the maker customized and they choose to not release it, it’s up to the dev community to provide an alternate solution, or you do without unless you use the maker’s rom (or a derivative of it).

      HTC made the 3D phone, so you’ll likely be dependent on HTC for any 3D functions for some time.

  3. Evo 3d time….

    1. Not for another 3 weeks…

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