Never Get Stuck With a Paid App Again Thanks to Refund Timer

Good apps are good. I love paying for good apps. It helps support Android app developers who, in turn, make more apps and the circle of a happy Android life continues. But you know what really grinds my gears? Bad apps. Especially when I get stuck with an app I didn’t like thanks to Google’s 15 minute refund window (but I suppose it’s better than no window).

What really sucks is I’ve even found myself avoiding paid apps that I want to try but might not have the time or attention to fully mess around with them while at work or while out spending time with the family. And even after a long days work, when I finally get home to my bearskin rug and I’m laying in my bed, wrapped in my silk sheets, I still find it stressful to keep track of the time while watching the latest episode of Glee.

Thanks to PocketNow, I found an app on the Market called Refund Timer by Trashmind. This app gives you a handy countdown timer on top of any app you may be running so you can see exactly how much time you have to refund a potentially bad egg. The way it works is easy. It waits for you to get the Google purchase email, and begins the timer from there. No more sweaty palms. No more grey hairs. And you can finally watch Glee in peace.

Mr. Schuester is so dreamy, amirite?

[Via XDA]

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