
Envizions Wants To Bring Android Gaming Into Your Living Room With The Evo 2


If you thought Android was just for smartphones and tablets, you may want to think again. A company called Envizions just sent out a press release today of an Android based, social gaming console called the Evo 2. I’m sorry, were you expecting a 3D-less sequel to the HTC Evo?

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As the name suggests, there was an Evo 1 that apparently never saw the light of day(?) and I immediately would have filed this under vaporware except for the fact that Envizions is actually offering the developer version of the Evo 2 for free on their website. And for the first 1,000 developers who sign up, developer fees and royaltees will be waived even though an annual $150 software support fee still applies.

While the press release hasn’t given us too much detailed information on the hardware, it does appear that this Android gaming console will be packing an unspecified 1.2 GHz Samsung processor that should handle 3D gaming pretty nicely, 512MB of RAM, and some sort of “modified” Android 2.2 operating system. The manufacturer also mentions that the console will see constant software updates and will allow for users to modify any part of the system (root permissions and custom ROMs anyone?).

Taking to heart the idea of open Android, Envisions is even letting potential customers participate in the design and roadmap of the console via Facebook, Twitter and the Evo 2 website. From there, the community can decide and participate in the location the console will first launch, color, package and even product image.

In a market where Android tablets are finding it hard to hit that sub $400 price point, I think the idea of an easy to use gaming platform like this is a good one. I honestly just don’t know how well a gaming platform like this could do without a big name like Sony or even Logitech backing it up and with a scheduled fall launch date, I guess we’ll be finding out sooner than later.

What do you guys think? Is there a place in the market for an Android gaming console like this? Or do you think this will fail harder than Google TV? I’m definitely curious to hear your thoughts in the comments below and If you feel so inclined, you can even preorder the console here.

[Via Engadget]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. It looks like evo squared.. not 2

    1. That’s what I thought but IGN reported it was the EVO 2 as well. 

      I sense (see what I did there?) HTC won’t be overly happy about the name. 

  2. Android gaming console? No thank you. I love android as much as anyone else here, but the idea sounds stupid, mobile gaming is the only thing I want to see in terms of gaming.

    1. In terms of android gaming**** Forgot to include android

  3. This would be really awesome if Android had better games. I would rather play X construction on my phone than on a TV screen. If android had some good FPS or strategy games, then I would actually consider getting this.

  4. you mean Envizions? get it right Phandroid

    1. You call out a mistake in the title (note that in the second sentence it’s spelled correctly) but don’t capitalize “you” or “get”? Come on now.

  5. I’m pretty sure these guys should wait and if the Sony play brings game devs to android before they start talking consoles! As of now, gaming on android is pretty much a joke! Old ports of ios games! Gaming is the only part of android I’m not too satisfied with…

  6. No, simply no

  7. hardware fail

  8. Passing on this idea as “stupid” is so short-sighted.  No, there arent many great android games at the moment….but its only a platform for you to play games…..a FULLY modifiable platform that is….  No this version wouldnt be the one to take off in the general public….but it could be the G1 of android gaming….  the thing that hurt the googletv was the networks denying access to their online streaming.  If they get access to that back somehow, I will buy one.

    I really like how xbox continues to add features and functions beyond gaming….but who wouldnt want their xbox to have a 1TB hard drive and be able to be used as a DVR?  With the open nature of Android, this is possible…..anything is possible…..want it to house your VOIP client for your house?  it can….want to skype on your TV?  it can….  want to play games?  it can…..want it to function as a Gtv?  it can

    No, this version wont be the universal device…but when devs get a hold of it, it could very easily be the proof of concept to a future device…..

  9. I just think it needs more under the hood. I mean the 360 has 3.2GHz tri-core and 500MB graphics memory, and that’s a 2005 system. I just don’t think it’s plausible tbh

  10. Why is this better than just connecting my phone to the TV?

    Why would I buy another device with the same hardware?

    Also, if it costs phone manufacturers so much to make phones will this really be that cheap? sure, no battery or screen but still it would need to be pretty damn cheap to compete against Wii (Wii2), PS3, XBOX360, OnLive, PC, Google TV, various “i” gizmos that are capable of connecting to a TV AND against Android phones themselves.

    Also – unless really, really cheap I can see this only appealing to the likes of us here on Phandroid who immediately appreciate the openness and ability to mod – but all of us have high end Android gear already.

    1. Now if someone like Sony were to integrate hardware like this into a TV now that could be something interesting.

      With their marketing budget, their existing presence in retail outlets and their current push into merging PS and Android – THAT could make sense.

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