
Verizon Posts Plenty of DROID X2 How-To Videos


The DROID X2 is out, folks. While we don’t imagine any of you will need help operating it once you get it in your hands, Verizon’s posted a series of how-to videos in case you need to be brought up to speed on something. There isn’t anything exciting here, to be honest, but those who can’t order online can look to these videos to get their X2 fit ahead of the device’s May 26th in-store launch. There are a couple above and below, but head to Verizon’s YouTube channel for the rest.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1.  Thanks Verizon, your the best.

    1. Verizon makes money, you pay and Motorola just doing good stuff

      1. Actually I don’t pay Verizon or Moto. 

  2. is there a how to video for how to unlock the bootloader?

    1. I lol’ed hard 

    2. No, that you will have to figure out on your own.  

  3. Received the x2 today! So far its noticeably faster and call quality is great. And it still fits in the otterbox for the original x but now there is a useless button where the old camera button was.

  4. We’ve been selling these since yesterday in Best Buy Mobile fyi. :)
    (in-store, in case that wasn’t clear)

  5. i could have walked out of the store today with a Droid x2 . Bought a TB instead.

  6.  The Droid X2 is the successor to one of Verizon’s most popular smartphones. It has a lot to live up to, but unfortunately, it didn’t deliver on many key categories. More here: http://wp.me/p1wchx-7f

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