Intel CEO Speaks at Investors Meeting Calling Android “Chaos” and Apple “Order”

Speaking at an investors meeting on Tuesday, Intel’s CEO, Paul Otellini, talked a little bit on a subject us Android users are all too familiar with. Fragmentation. Otellini compares what Google is going through right now with Android, to what Microsoft faced with Windows in its early years. He goes on to compare Apple’s business model more along the lines as having “order” with Apple having full control over end-user experience and pricing.

Now, before you run and grab your pitchforks, he continues to say that he believes fragmentation on Android is something that will be rectified over time as Google tries to impose stricter guidelines for OEM’s in regards to compatibility with older hardware. This is something we saw Google address this year at Google I/O when they announced partnerships with key manufacturers to keep their phones up to date with the latest versions of Android.

Fragmentation is a very real issue and while it’s one that has helped the OS grow so quickly over a short period of time, its definitely something Google will have to gain control of in the future. What do you guys think? Is the Android ecosystem as “chaotic” as Paul Otellini describes? How do you think Google should handle Android’s “f-word”?

[Via CNET News]

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