
Video Tour Of Google I/O 2011 At The Moscone Center In San Francisco.


So, last week Google I/O took place in beautiful San Francisco, California and although it’s come and gone, it was probably one of the single most momentous occasions for Android and Google faithful alike. Most of us dream about those two special days and sit on edge of our seats to see what will be announced there. We wonder what it would actually be like to receive one of those precious golden tickets and walk through the doors into Vic Gundotra’s Chocolate Factory.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Fellow Phandroidian, Quentyn Kennemer, did a great wrap up post (and poll) about all the exciting announcements on the future of Android and even some interesting Chrome OS news thrown into the mix as well.

But what about the rest? This was, in fact, my first year attending. I know personally, aside from the keynote and announcements, I had always wondered what ELSE actually took place inside of the Moscone Center. All of the little things. The food, the phones, the fun, the parties. It’s this reason I decided to make this video diary of my time spent there. For you guys. Everyone out there that wasn’t quick enough to register for tickets within the first 59 seconds they went on sale. I wanted the readers at Phandroid to feel as if they were actually there with me (and my douchey hair) as I explored all the ins and outs of Google I/O, 2011.

SPOILER: Yes, it’s everything you dreamed of and more. Everlasting gobbstoppers and endless candy abound — just, replace those creepy, orange Oompa Loompa’s with cute, shiny, green Andy’s. Enjoy.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1.  This is awesome thanks.

    1. You’re welcome. Hopefully you can make it out to San Francisco one year =D 

      1. I hope so, I got a few friends who love Android like me so maybe next year.  

        1. Round up the crew! Its definitely funner with friends to share all the excitement with! =)

  2.  Good video :)

    1. Thanks, Dario! So much footage to edit. Glad I could show it to everyone =) 

  3. It got weird towards the end.

    1. I got DRUNK towards the end.. o_O 

  4. You can see Cyanogen at 1:42-1:44 in the crowd.  :D

    Thanks for the video!  You captured the mood of Google IO really well, I think.

    1. You have a very good eye! That was indeed Mr. Kondik himself. =)

      Thank you, sir! I tried my best to do just that!

  5.  i will definitely be there next year… would have gone this year if i knew EVERYBODY was getting a galaxy tab!

  6. I was there and I don’t think it was Zack himself. ;-P 
    He sure does look like him a lot!

    1. Maybe it was his tech savvy brother? =p 

  7. Great video. Awesome to see the things Google is working on and all events at IO. Hopefully I get a chance to go next year.

    1. I’m glad you appreciated it! Yeah, Google took great care of everyone. We all felt loved =) 

  8.  I saw rob on tuesday morning.  where were you chris?  sleep in?

    1. LOL!!!!!!! No, I was there, but stayed in a different hotel and with different people than Rob. I also couldn’t get into all the places they could cuz I didn’t sign up as press. Got in as academia =p

      1. ah, nice.  I got in as academia too.  sooooo awesome. best 150 bucks I ever spent. even at the regular price, it’s a great deal but for students it’s amazing. 

        p.s. I like how you actually reply to comments. nobody else ever does that

        1. Yeah, I’ve kinda noticed that. I think its cuz most of the comments are usually douchey. LOL I just got lucky with this post =p

        2. It’s tough to keep up with comments when you’re also trying to keep up with covering the news! Glad you enjoyed IO :)

  9.  I didn’t know Jane’s Addiction did corporate gigs.

    1. Haha! Google has enough money to make ANYONE do a corporate gig =p 

  10.  Great video, thanks for taking the time to film it and share with the rest of us who couldn’t go!

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