
Rumor: HTC Sensation for T-Mobile (USA) Launching June 8th for $199.99


It’s that date again, people. I’m referring to June 8th, of course, as that date has been previously rumored as the HTC Sensation’s launch on T-Mobile USA. TmoNews has procured even more evidence of it being a solid date and we’ve heard more than enough murmurs in our own inbox to believe it’s true. We’ve also got a price, apparently – promotional materials have it at $199.99 after signing a two-year contract.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The HTC Sensation – assuming the EVO 3D doesn’t launch before it – will be HTC’s first dual-core handset. It’ll have Qualcomm’s 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, a 4.3 inch qHD display, Android 2.3 with HTC Sense 3.0, an 8 megapixel camera with HD video recording, a front-facing camera and more. [Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1.  Seriously, who is on t-mobile?  A great phone going to a shitty sell provider.  

    1.  Um about 30 million subscribers. Don’t be mad because verizon stocks all of the shit tier phones.

    2. Really? Odd, they work just as well if not better than any of the other three where I live. Where would that be? Oh, I dunno. In Sprint’s own friggin yard. My N1 runs just as fast on TMO’s network here as any of the phone from any of the other carriers. 

      Oh! And one other thing. Two  two week trips driving through the American West on back roads and guess what? I still had service! All for a better price and with better customer service. (I know this one for a fact as I’ve already had two of the other three.)

      1. I call BS on the coast to coast coverage. All I have to do is look at THEIR coverage map. Sad really, because if it wasnt for their subpar coverage, Tmobile would be a heavy hitter. They are, for the most part, a metro carrier.

        1. Aww, what’s wrong? Couldn’t go long without trying to troll me again? Let’s see. You LOOKED at a map and I actually drove it and used my phone. I wonder which one works out the winner here? As usual, me. Why? Because you keep going off with your half baked cockamamie ideas. Get over it, you’re pathetic. 

          1. So, Tmobiles own map is not accurate? I should beleive you? Not them? Piss off. 

          2. LMB’s :) 

          3. “Like”, My Brothers & Sisters- not “hate”. Can’t we all just get along?  :) ;)

            Fact is Tmo’s coverage map is doomed and they are trying to (smartly) draw people in with SWEET devices.

            VZW, on the other hand has GREAT coverage everywhere, but their 2011 phone suck, because they can get away with it (Why push higher end phones when they can sell lipstick on a pig like the Charge for $300 with 2yr contract?).

            VZW has gone to heck with Android, since sucking up to Apple. 

          4. Nope, it isn’t accurate at all. Like I said you silly little troll, I drove it, I know first hand. Duh. What part of that do you not comprehend? Wow! You’re pretty dense. 

          5. @Chimp, your sad dude. Ill take tmos word for where they have coverage over some tool on the internet. Plus, ALL the people who have Tmo, and admit it doesnt have great coverage. And I am a troll for pointing out their ONE downfall. Get over it. And bring your tmobile phone here, an hour outside NY city, and it WONT work. Guaranteed. That, and what, did you look at your phone whil you were driving?

          6. @ Nlsme I have tmobile and I have great coverage. Your wrong again!

          7. Troll? It is the truth. Drive through Ohio, WV, KY and you will find small pockets of 3G, smaller pockets 4G and no service in LONG stretches. I was with Tmo for almost eight years and my last device was the G1.

            Their coverage map SUX, unless you live and dwell in mainly metro areas. Tmo has been getting great devices, but their coverage map does not let you get much use out of them.

            VZW is opposite. SUCKY devices in 2011, but great coverage. Pick your funk.

          8. I would like to add the east coast to that list. 

          9. Yeah, he is a troll. Your last device was the G1? Maybe you should try again. Like I said, I drove the the regions I’m talking about so I know first hand. I have no qualms about traveling anywhere with just a TMO phone.

            As far as providers’ maps go, I’ve checked them before. NO ONE has good coverage in WV. NO ONE. As for the rest of the areas. No idea what you’re expecting but I’ve had no issues using my phones anywhere I’ve ever gone that wouldn’t cause issues with other carriers.

    3. T-Mo rocks in Louisville. 4g everywhere-even past the metro areas. Customer service great. never wait more than 45 seconds and I talk to English speaking people in the US.

    4. did u just spell “cell” “sell;;” lmaooo

      1. did you just spell “you” “u” lmaooo 

    5. T-Mobiler here.  Move out of the fucking sticks. 

  2. Goodbye big red! I’m out as soon as my contract is up if this news holds true. No dual core phones and a craptastic bug filled thunderbolt, while other carriers are getting dual core phones Verizon don’t have 1 yet. Maybe in 2012 Verizon will be able to launch a dual core 4g phone after everyone else has a dozen or so to pick from. Verizon has turned into an overpriced 2nd rate carrier.

    1. bye.

    2. Sooooo you did read that Verizon is getting the Samsung Galaxy II right?  Still leaving?  Yeah, didn’t think so.

      1.  Got a link to that?  

          1. Doesn’t matter. It’s a shitty Samsung. Garbage.

        1.  WTF! IMPOSTER!

          1.  Im not the imposter you are!  

          2.  No… YOU are! LOOL! Are you jdog?

      2. Yea I will still leave because most likely if the Galaxy II does come to Verizon it will be 400 bucks or more with discounts. I love how they think the charge is worth 300 bucks when other folks are selling 4g phones with dual core processors in them for 200. Verizon has good service but I am not paying more than 200 for a phone when every other company still offers them at that price. Why Verizon thinks their phones are worth more than everyone elses is beyond me. 

  3. I can’t wait. June 8th is 3 weeks away. I returned my g2x for this phone after I lost my Nexus One. Just want to try something different, but the same to my Nexus One. I’ve been waiting for a 4.3″ android phone on t-mobile for the longest time and we are finally going to get one.

  4. This is a big help to all of us Sprint Evo 3d fans. We can safely now start arriving to the sprint/bestbuy/radio shack locations for our Evo 3d on June 3rd. This is my predicted date that the Evo 3d will launch Sprint will not allow tmobile to launch their Sensation first before the Evo 3d. Secret preorders have been existing at bestbuy for 2weeks now and sprint themselves are excepting preorders since Wednesday last week. I love how the sensation looks it is shaped up to be a great device people on magenta should be flocking to tmobile for this device. What a great summer ahead on both sprint and tmobile…..

    1.  How is everything always about Sprint/EVO?  Do your children/pets share these names too?

      1. He’s just a Sprint/Evo fanboy just like I’m a T-Mo/HTC fanboy. :P

        1. Yes I admit to being an android faithful first then htc/qualcomm/sprint fanboy so yes that will never change with me. I love the Evo family of devices on sprint as well as that Nexus S it is what it is.

          1. Again, if you were “android faithful first” you wouldn’t be bashing ALL other devices/carriers. The point of Android is openness. Android runs on a ton of many different devices. If you don’t like the other devices, don’t say anything about them, go get a dumb phone, or go get an iPhone. 

      2. Your funny… Did you write this one or saw this on some other blog and copy and paste it as your response.

        1. As opposed to you posting links to nothing but youtube videos released by Sprint that generally had absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter? You’re the funny one. Maybe you should acknowledge the fact that some people actually have creativity and get some for yourself. You seem to be WAAAAY lacking in that department.

          1. Where your lacking at is in the job department if you was able to find one you wouldn’t be on here everyday pestering people’s comments. You a sad soul with a mean spirit go buy a life

          2. Squiddy, you’re my hero.

          3. How do you know if I do or don’t have a job? I’ve never stated my employment status. You can’t google “squiddy20” and gain any relevant info about the real me. For all you know, I could own my own little business. I could work at some computer store where I have access to the Internet all the time. I could have a laid back boss who doesn’t give a crap about what I do with my time as long as things get done. Fact is, you don’t know anything about me, so why don’t you stop pretending you do. At least I have a decent education. I know how to write complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I know the battles I can win and the battles I can’t. You on the other hand, don’t know when to shut your sorry mouth. Am I “mean spirit[ed]”? Sure, but only to those idiots (such as yourself) who state complete lies and utter BS. For instance, you can’t “buy a life”. You can get one through hard work and education, but you can’t buy one. Idiot.

          4. Also, you have a job, yet you’re on here every day too. What do you have to say to that fact? You’re making ridiculous, sensationalist comments and ripping into people for giving their own simple opinions. What a sad little loser you are. You don’t even have the balls to admit when you’re wrong like any real man would. Shut the f**k up you hypocritical piece of sh*t.

    2. I gotta say I’m glad to hear you giving props to something other than an Evo lol. Don’t you find it fascinating that the two “crappy” carriers get the best Android phones? All the while Verizon and AT&T lock down all their devices and fill them to the brim with bloatware. I won’t say Sprint and T-Mo don’t do bloatware but always trying to replace native google apps with your own carrier branded garbage is just dumb.  

      1. Honestly I love android I admire the amount of devices and how different they really are that’s what is so alluring about android. I have always liked tmobile and wish they remain tmobile guess we will find out about that as the time moves forward. I love sprint and the Evo family of devices but tmobile has great devices they deserve credit they have been laughed at for so long. I hope all carrier’s ease up on their bloatware even sprint because if they did our device would run better with less glitches.

        1. If you really “love android” you wouldn’t be bashing all other phones and carriers at practically every opportunity given. You wouldn’t be creating names like “AssT&T” or “Thunderdud”. You wouldn’t be putting down people for their opinions, even if they differ from yours. Grow up you hypocritical son of b**ch.

          1. Not you again…. What a wasted soul you really are going around everywhere I post regardless of the site you must really be bored or life must be pretty sad for you. Guess what if you got a job you wouldn’t have to be worried about android sites and responding to people who post comments…

          2. I wouldnt exactly be bragging you have a job. Considering it is just a janitors position at a homeless shelter.

          3. Says the guy who is also responding to comments. See where the hypocritical comment comes into play? Oy.

          4. Again? When have I ever NOT bothered your sorry ass? A day doesn’t go by when you don’t make some stupid, untrue statement about something. Like the statement you just made. I have only posted once on any other website that you are affiliated with, and after a day or so, it seemed to have been deleted. Go check your “facts” you hypocritical moron. And as others have stated, you have a job, why are you posting on here? You have a job, so why do you “worr[y] about android sites and respond to people who post comments”?worr[y] about android sites and respond to people who post comments”?

    3. Here we go again with your Sprint Evo sh!t again! FML! 

  5. Shame Tmo’s coverage sux butt, or I would bail from VZW. I was with Tmo for almost eight years and left due to no 3G coverage where I live as well as a lot of dead zones for calls. VZW is FAR better and 3G everywhere, but the 2011 phone selection by VZW sux butt as much as Tmo’s signal coverage. Catch 22. 

    1. Its really Tmobiles only downfall. That and the looming AT&T merger. However, to point this out is “trolling”. 

      1. In that regard, I guess for them it takes one to know one ;) 

      2. No, your arguments only consisting of name calling and made up “facts” is what gets you pointed out as a troll.  

        1. Really, I see you calling names. The FACT is, even according to TMOBILE their network is SUBPAR. I know for a FACT, they dont work HERE, an hour outside the largest city in the us. Get over it, kid. 

          1.  I loved how Humm (worst CEO ever to helm a company) just sat there and let AT&T make him their biotch by saying how they didnt consider TMobile to be a competitor. Congrats there Captain Fail AKA Humm. 

          2. Heh! Me? A kid? Imagine that. Thanks but flattery will  get you nowhere. :P If I’m a kid, you must be one hell of a geezer. Just because they don’t work in your little asylum doesn’t mean they’re subpar. And would that be largest city by area or just by population?

          3.  Time to grow up son. 

          4. You act like a kid. My little asylum? Try right outside the most POPLULATED city in the US. I used to live in the largest by land mass, yet that was before Tmobile was in the US. However, I still have family there, and NONE of them are on Tmobile. Wonder why. 

          5.  Nlsme – Why? Because I question your ignorance? And how is it in Alaska anyway? Yeah, asylum, as in you are crazy.Nlsme – Why? Because I question your ignorance? And how is it in Alaska anyway? Yeah, asylum, as in you are crazy.

          6. What? Alaska? I live an hour outside NY city, the largest city by population. I used to live in Jacksonville FL, the largest city by land mass. My ignorance? You are the one stating Tmobiles own map is not accurate because you “drove” around. Really, make an arguement other then babbling at the mouth. 

          7.  Nlsme – Ha ha ha! Ah, once again you spout off at the mouth without checking your facts and your comprehension of reality is loose at best. Gee, did the magical cell fairy make my service work when I was out and about? No. It just worked. The map might say there is no coverage out there but there is. And Jacksonville is NOT the largest by area. ;) Nlsme – Ha ha ha! Ah, once again you spout off at the mouth without checking your facts and your comprehension of reality is loose at best. Gee, did the magical cell fairy make my service work when I was out and about? No. It just worked. The map might say there is no coverage out there but there is. And Jacksonville is NOT the largest by area. ;) 

          8. So you made 2 two weak phone calls while driving? Or streamed youtube the whole time? And Jacksonville is in fact the largest city by area in the us. Whats next, I am wrong in saying the largest by pop is NY? Please post an arguement other then your driblble, immature name calling. Cause so far, you havent. 

          9. Nlsme  – Um, no Jacksonville is not the largest city by area in the US. As usual, I’ve checked my facts and you hold onto some odd ball made up BS. Why don’t you go ahead and do a search on that one. ;) Let me guess, if I did post it myself, you’d say I was posting your list (which doesn’t list Jacksonville on top). In fact! Jacksonville isn’t even in the top three! It isn’t even on the right side of the continent.

    2.  so its tmobile’s fault you live out in the middle of no where like a savage while the rest of humanity lives in places called cities. I live in the 8th largest city in america 3 largest in my state and we have excellent service!

      1. Well put toi. I’ve had tmobile for 10 years and have lived in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Portland and tmobile has never let me down. I’m sick of reading these posts about people bitching about coverage and why that makes a carrier “the worst carrier”. It’s BS. Pick a carrier that provides the best coverage for where you live. Rushmore, youre a putz

        1. I love how you call rushmore a putz for calling Tmobile a metro carrier, yet give major metro areas for where they have service. Ironic really. 

          1. Point is that if you live in an area that a certain carrier has poor service then don’t go bashing it. Thste what most of these idiots do. I lived in major metro area, sure. And I picked a carrier that provides me the best coverage and looking at coverage maps, tmobile has the strongest coverage. There’s nothing ironic about it. My roommate has Verizon and he barely gets one bar here.

          2. He was simply stating that outside metro areas, Tmobile has a subpar network. To call him a putz because you have good coverage in a metro area, is in fact ironic. And when I look at their coverage maps, Verizons has twice the service area, easily. I will say that is really Tmobiles only downfall, albeit a pretty big one. 

          3.  I live in a major metro area that is supposed to get super duper tmobile 4g. Well sir they THEIR COVERAGE BLOWS ASS! 

        2.  You are calling him a putz yet he did what you said, “Pick a carrier that provides the best coverage for where you live.”Pick a carrier that provides the best coverage for where you live.”

      2. I live an hour outside the largest city in the US. No tmobile here. So someone that lives in the city cant even go for a nice sunday drive and still use their phone. BTW, the last time I was in the city, the schools sucked, crime was high, and the traffic was a joke. I kinda like “living like a savage” on my 60 acre parcel.

        1. You live on a 60 acre parcel? Yeah, right. 

          1. I do, whats it to ya? Land is relatively cheap outside metro areas. But Im the troll. STFU you sad little boy.

          2. Ha ha ha! I’m a sad little boy? At least you did get one thing right in your statement though. Glad we can finally agree that you’re the troll. And no, I won’t STFU. And I guarantee you are of no ability to make me. :P

          3. @chimp, see what I mean, no arguement from you. Just “nanabooboo”. Again you are a sad little boy, even if you are an “older” person. 

          4.  Nlsme – Yeah, well it seems to be the only type of argument you know how to conjure and understand. So I have to stoop down to your level. As has been shown here over and over and over. There was no “nananbooboo” statement, just a simple agreement on fact for one, you are a troll. And that you are completely incapable of making me STFU. Two very simple facts.Nlsme – Yeah, well it seems to be the only type of argument you know how to conjure and understand. So I have to stoop down to your level. As has been shown here over and over and over. There was no “nananbooboo” statement, just a simple agreement on fact for one, you are a troll. And that you are completely incapable of making me STFU. Two very simple facts.

          5.  Nlsme – Please, oh pretty please, come make me STFU!!! I would love to see this! :DNlsme – Please, oh pretty please, come make me STFU!!! I would love to see this! :D

          6. I think im gonna have to side with Nlsme, chimp, your arguments sound like those of the idiots at my high school    

          7. Andrey – Then you might want to listen to those kids because they might be smarter than you think. They’d certainly be smarter than Nlsme who can’t back up his facts with any kind of citing. I’ve cited source after source with him on previous little bits of his trolling and he comes back with only name calling and never anything else. So since you have no idea what you’re even getting into, it’s best that you stay out and not make yourself look silly. Trust me on this. who can’t back up his facts with any kind of citing. I’ve cited source after source with him on previous little bits of his trolling and he comes back with only name calling and never anything else. So since you have no idea what you’re even getting into, it’s best that you stay out and not make yourself look silly. Trust me on this.

      3.  That persistent red herring that only people who live out in the middle of nowhere cant get TMobile coverage is getting old. Try being the pied piper of make believe somewhere else, 

    3. What backwater do you live in anyway?!?  

      1.  Time to put on your big boy panties. No one cares that you post that same old crap over and over about, “backwoods”. And you call other people trolls?

        1. Hey, just because you like to dress up as a woman and go out to pick up sailors doesn’t mean we all do. You can put on big girl knickers but don’t tell the rest of us we need to. And yeah,  Nlsme is a troll. And where exactly do you see me posting over and over about backwoods? Hmm? Yeah. That’s right. You don’t. Unless you’re going to use circular logic like Nlsme does, in which case you have to just to get it through to such dense people.Nlsme is a troll. And where exactly do you see me posting over and over about backwoods? Hmm? Yeah. That’s right. You don’t. Unless you’re going to use circular logic like Nlsme does, in which case you have to just to get it through to such dense people.

          1. Ok that’s it! !!
            BIKE RACKS 3:30!!!

          2. Come on out west. I like the practice. 

  6. I have a feeling this is going to be a $550-$650 non-contract phone and I bought my N1 in Jan of 2010 so that means I can’t upgrade until October.  This finally looks like a phone worth upgrading to but I’m going to wait to see if the SGSII comes to T-Mo or hopefully an N3 gets announced over the summer

  7. if it wasnt for the buyout i would be busting a nut over this phone but as of june third im still going with the evo 3d
    gonna miss the great loyalty department and free 4g ..wifi tethering ..unlimited data 

  8. Any hopes of this phone (or similar) coming to Verizon?  I’m on T-Mo now but looking to switch carriers.  I do have to say that Verizon’s choice of Androids phones are sad.  Hopefully soon that will change.

  9. People keep pointing out the great customer service their carrier has, which says that they have had problems with said carrier.  I would not know what kind of customer service my carrier has because I have never had an issue or reason to call.

    1. People call cs for more then just problems.  

  10. @keller, I am willing to bet you live in a metro area.
    @Chimp, give me a call when you come to NY.

    1. I’ve already lived there. It really isn’t all that. You’re the one that wants me to STFU, you come out west. That is if you even know how to find it on a map. 

      1. Oh ya!?!
        Well my dad can beat up your dad!

        1. Well then, go hide behind him then. ;) 

          1. I remember you now, the idiot that doesnt know the differance between a “disposable” item and  “durable good”. Stfu, you immature little twat. You post stuff like “things are made now only with money in mind” as if that wasnt the way things have been made for a 1000 years. Okay, Jacksonville may not be the largest city any longer(although I wouldnt really call sitka or jeneu alaska cities, so it really is), it is still a very large city, of wich, tmobile blows for coverage in. Just like here, an hour outside the most populated city in the us. Now, please, explain how you know the tmobile coverage map is not accurate. Or, maybe call them and let them know they should upate their map. Considering you “know firsthand” the people they PAY to do it are incompetant.

          2. See, two posts from you because like I just said, you have zero reading comprehension. I’ve answered all questions you’ve ever posted and backed them up with sources. You? Just name calling.

            Also, you’ll notice that once criteria is used to remove  the Alaska cities from the list, so is Jacksonville. In fact, never have I ever seen Jacksonville listed as the largest city in the US in any regard. That would just be another demonstration of your attempts to puff up your chest to look more important than you are. Nothing but another one of your fabrications.

            Since you once again can’t refute anything I’ve actually said with facts, this is now over. Just like all the previous times. (Yeah, I refuted everything, including the name calling then.)

          3.  Really, so when I say a “city” of around 2000 int really a city, you say that removes a city of close to 2 million from the list also? Shut up.

          4. No, so says the criteria that applies to both cities that removes them from being largest by area. Again, it’s that reality thing that you have no concept of. . Pretty simple stuff really there Nlsme.Nlsme.

          5. Yeah, not enough of a population to call them a city, more like a large town. Here, the largest, by area in the lower 48. How is that? Now, again, Tmobile service there blows, I know first hand. Just as it does here, an hour outside the most populated cityn in the US. And, as pointed out by numerous people, and THEIR OWN MAP, a large portion of the US is not covered. I am still waiting on how you managed to take 2 2 week trips while simultaniously monitering your siganl and comparing it to their map. And, have you called Tmobile yet, to tell them their coverage map is innacurate, and the people responsable for making it, using verifiable means should be fired? No, till then, Ill take their coverage map as evidence to where they do have coverage.

          6. Nlsme – Ha! Wow! So, once again, you’re changing the criteria down to such minutia to make it fit? See, that right there is why you lack any credibility. Game over, you lose. 

      2. NY is what it is. I do love MY home though, much nicer then what you probably have. 60 acres bordering state land. No Tmobile here though, guess I have no choice but to stay on Verizon(although AT&T DOES have service, I just dont like them). If Tmobile was WILLING to compete, they wouldnt be losing customers, and failing to survive.

        1. Interesting. That isn’t what the comment you’re responding to is about. Whenever you’re forced to put up or shut up, you always retreat. Typical bully. Always running around in circles whenever the chips are down. 

          1. I know you wont shut up, why would I waste real time to make you? Why not come to NY if you really think your big? Because your just some KID sitting behind a computer, acting immature. I have NEVER retreated, I just failed to educate you, some people cant be taught simple things. Like the meaning of words like ” disposable”, and “durable”. Or how to look at a map and see where there is coverage and where there isnt. Even in WV, where you say NOBODY has coverage, Verizon again, has double the coverage. My xoom is STILL kicking btw, not bad for a “disposable” item. 

          2. Yeah, you’ve retreated on yourself before and you’re doing it now. You’re nothing but a coward and a bully and ignorant as usual. Gee, I see how that still applies to you. I’ve answered every question you’ve put forth many times over, a great many times over. You educate me? Ha! You obviously have an over-inflated view of just how smart you think you are. You can’t even comprehend the written word. Not a lick of it. Someone of your sort has nothing to teach anyone.

          3. No, I just know how to use a map. And looking at Tmobiles map, their coverage blows. You saying you know firsthand because you “drove” it means squat. Why? Because they pay people to make sure their map is correct. What, did you make 2 2week phone calls? 2 weeks streaming video? 

          4.  Nlsme – Ah, and there you are again with your circular argument that shows you didn’t even read anything I’ve posted otherwise, you’d realize that I already trumped your reading of some silly map with actual real world experience. :P And I did use my phone a lot while I was on the road and since I have a dock that sits in my window with the phone open and live, I see my status. I had coverage. Reality is reality. Maybe if you stepped out away from your computer and actually went out to experience life for once, you’d know it too.Nlsme – Ah, and there you are again with your circular argument that shows you didn’t even read anything I’ve posted otherwise, you’d realize that I already trumped your reading of some silly map with actual real world experience. :P And I did use my phone a lot while I was on the road and since I have a dock that sits in my window with the phone open and live, I see my status. I had coverage. Reality is reality. Maybe if you stepped out away from your computer and actually went out to experience life for once, you’d know it too.

          5. My circular arguement? About saying I kjnow first hand their coverage blows? Because BY me they dont have service, by 4 differant people here, in this thread, they dont have service? Because I dont beleive some troll on the internet that THEIR map is innacurate? Again, your an IDIOT.

          6. Nlsme – Oh, so I see. Your first hand account and others’ first hand accounts count but mine doesn’t? See, that’s trimming the facts to make it fit your little fantasy world again and again that throws A LOT of doubt on your credibility. So for a second time, you’re shut down, game over. 

          7. Yeah, when their map says the same thing as everybody elses firsthand experiances, other than yours of course, it shoots down my credibility. Idiot.

  11. So anyway:D
    My only issue is that the BADEST phone HTC has (imo) is going for 200 while single core samsung/htc phones for vzw are 250 and 300. I jusy don’t get it!! Would switch for this phone but Tmobile SUCKS at the cincinnati international airport and surronding area.  

    1. Another person saying Tmobiles coverage sucks, and this one is in a pretty major market. 

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