Samsung DROID Charge Now Available for $300 (In Case You Forgot)

After a two week delay thanks to 4G LTE outages, Verizon has finally let loose the Samsung DROID Charge, their second LTE phone. It was rumored to be here May 14th on Friday and Verizon confirmed that those rumors were indeed true. You can now buy it for $300 at their corporate locations and online.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The Samsung DROID Charge is a 4.3 inch Super AMOLED Plus phone with Android 2.2, TouchWiz 3.0, 4G radios, a 1GHz processor, an 8 megapixel camera with HD video recording and flash, a front-facing camera to accompany that and more.

We’ve already gotten our hands on it, though, so be sure to take a look at our official Samsung DROID Charge review and use it to help you decide if it’s the phone for you. If you need more convincing, ask the many owners already swarming the DROID Charge section at

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