
Get Netflix on nearly any Android device (if you’re rooted)


News of Netflix launching for Android came with one big caveat: it is only compatible with a handful of devices. Well, it sure didn’t take long to find a workaround. If you are a rooted user, you can easily fool the Netflix app into thinking you’re actually running a T-Mobile G2 by editing a few lines of code. After that, you should be on your way to movie streaming goodness.

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Some users have found more success than others, so there is no guarantee this trick will work for everyone. You can find the instructions at the Reddit link below.

[Reddit via Engadget]

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  1. Since you guys are willing to put out any little news concerning the netflix app, why don’t you follow up this article with this “Spoofing the build prop doesn’t work for a lot of phones”. Don’t you think this was the first thing people tried when the apk was released?

    1. This is a news..not an article to educate how to spoof an app you silly billy. Thats what the linky is for stupid :P 

      1. Are you dumb or just pretending to be? Nobody’s asking how to spoof an app. I’m saying this is old news and has already been tested on many devices and has failed. Reading comprehension FTL.

  2.  It’s bad to edit the build.prop to show that your phone is something that is completely unrelated to what it really is. If you have an HTC phone this shouldn’t be a bad thing to do but it’s not necessarily the thing you would want to do with say a Samsung phone. Basically a lot of apps (including system apps) could end up not working, especially if for example, going back to the Samsung example, you do this to a TouchWiz device, TouchWiz itself could end up not working and you would just boot into many force-closes. You would have to re-edit the build.prop and push it back on using adb to get the phone to boot properly. the thing you would want to do with say a Samsung phone. Basically a lot of apps (including system apps) could end up not working, especially if for example, going back to the Samsung example, you do this to a TouchWiz device, TouchWiz itself could end up not working and you would just boot into many force-closes. You would have to re-edit the build.prop and push it back on using adb to get the phone to boot properly.

    1. Or you could just make a Nandroid backup as Reddit suggested and you have no worries.

      1.  Nandroid back-up takes to long for someone who knows what they are doing.

    2.  I actually got netflix successfully working on my HD@8ff1dc3834abff953b20020f89275dde:disqus 
       running Android from nand version 2.3.3….I made a backup of my original build.prop file. Edited the code and made Netflix think my phone is an HTC Vision.  restarted my phone, went to the market, downloaded netflix the correct way.  Then, i put my original build.prop file back where it belonged….(the reason why I did it that way was because my phone didn’t sleep properly and my swype didn’t work correctly).  Then I restarted my phone again, Netflix works, swype works, and my phone goes to sleep now :-)

      Oh yea make sure u update your flash player to the newest version before doing all of this :)

  3. Old news. Doesn’t work on rooted inspire 4g

  4.  It works on my Droid X with no modifications, and the build.prop method worked on my CM7 Nook Color, but this certainly doesn’t seem to be working for everyone.

    1. Interesting. It’s not working on my DX, and several people on the XDA thread (where this was released) have also said they can’t get it to work on their FroYo DX’s.

      (Specifically: the app loads, but I get a dialog saying “This device is not supported” when I try to play video.)

      1. It seems to have a better chance of working on GB DX’s… I have no idea why. Apparently it works on the Droid 2 and the OG Droid, too.

  5.  Im running (htc evo)OMJ 2.3.3 with sense 2.1 and it says that it cant connect to the netflix server and as much as i like netflix on my phone i really dont want to downgrade back to froyo just for nerflix i’m really feeling this rom

  6. works on the droid x everyone… I am running the GB leaked update. Didnt need to change a thing

    1. Which leak version are you running? I’m on 588 and it doesn’t work.. just a black screen when i try to play something. 

  7. I did it on my nook color Everything works great

  8.  Works on my Droid 1 with CM7 root. I can’t believe it plays so smooth on this old phone over 3G. Awesome job Netflix. Now one last hurdle, HULU are you listening?

  9.  Just remember there’s a reason why Netflix didn’t release this for every phone. They obviously couldn’t test every device and I’m sure they are using some complex workaround for the DRM issue so if you try to run it on a device they haven’t tested, it may or may not work. So it’s better to just wait for official support.

  10. Didn’t work on my SGS – actually stopped the keyboard from functioning as well :-( 

  11. Did not work on my vibrant or grab. Will just stick with using playon. Get to watch netflix and hulu no problem. :-)

  12. works on the ascend cm6

  13.  No root needed on my phone. Works like a charm on stock EVO 4G phone, even on the 3G connection. Sorry haters but I love my EVO and Sprint!

  14. A Netflix APK with the device check disabled, this should work with any phone that changing the build.prop fixed.;

    1. Thanks for the link, worked like a charm!

      1. Glad to hear it. I have a Moment, so I wasn’t able to fully test it myself.

        1. Im running cm7 on my mytouch slide with dalins oc kernel, nice and smooth

    2. This is where I grabbed the APK and it runs flawlessly on my OG Droid running stock Gingerbread. 

    3.  thanks for the link bro

    4. Working awesome on my bosses OG Droid!! 

    5. Sadly it does not work with the Viewsonic gTablet.

  15. no go on vibrant 

  16. Worked great on my rooted HTC Desire 

  17.  Droid 1 running CM6 modifier APK works smooth.

  18.  works great on my HD2 with a Incredible ROM running 2.2

  19.  Works great on my Galaxy S with 2.3.3 but not with 2.2.1. I’m in Canada so it didn’t work on first try but then I connected to my VPN and it worked.

  20.  Works perfect in my OG running SS 5.2.

  21. fantastic on my Incredible 

  22. Haha, doesn’t work on my rooted G2, running lastest CM7, didn’t have to change anything and still don’t work

    1. It works on CM7 nightly 77 that was released last night to fix the black screen with sound only issue.  

  23. Worked without any modification with CM7 for SGS Vibrant.  Downloaded directly from market.

  24.  The app works on my cliq but streaming is a no go, but its been having issues with HD on Youtube, so its probably the same issue.

  25. Worked great on Incredible over 3G.  I find there really aren’t that many apps I use frequently (Google Maps, Yelp, Internet being most used), but actually think this one will get a little use.

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