First Honeycomb Google TV Device is Codenamed Fishtank

As we traversed the huge line leading to the room where Honeycomb Apps on Google TV was the main session topic, event staff handed out large flyers with blocky Android figures on the back and a wall of text on the front. As soon as we were able to break the colorful image’s hold over us, we quickly read the text.

There’s a device – codenamed Fishtank (which also happens to be the name of this program) – that developers with the most interesting ideas for Google TV apps will get for free in order to facilitate them in development. It’ll be a Google TV set-top box with Android 3.1 and is essentially the “Nexus” of Google TV as it’ll get all updates as soon as they’re available.

Of the hundreds of people standing in line waiting for the session, only a fraction of them will get their hands on this thing. That’s OK – we’ve had enough freebies for the two days we’ve attended. And we’re really excited to see Android market on the next generation of Google TV take off. Unfortunately you had to attend Google I/O to get a chance to submit your idea.

If you did attend Google I/O, you should have been able to find one of these flyers fairly easily. You have until May 20th to submit your ideas. What types of apps would you guys make for Google TV?


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