RIM Shows Off Android App Player For BlackBerry Playbook [Video]

Today at the BlackBerry World conference in Orlando Florida, RIM’s Senior Project Manager, sneak peaked the latest software addition to their BlackBerry Playbook. The Android App Player. Just as the name suggests this will allow a user to load Android apps and run them on their very own Blackberry Playbook.

We heard about this feature long before the Playbook’s release but didn’t see the tablet offer support on launch day. Looks like all of that could soon change when this feature is finally released this summer. Check out the (slightly uncomfortable) video from BlackBerry below.

I can tell you that I’ve had more than enough time with the Playbook and generally like the ease of use, multitasking and smooth hardware acceleration throughout the OS. As always when new developments like this hit the tech world, I’ve got some tough choices to make. With the addition of Android apps on a Playbook do you think this will sway any future tablet users who were maybe on the fence on which tablet to pick up? Or is it “Honeycomb for life” as usual?

[Via YouTube]

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