
There You Are! MapQuest For Android Adds Skyhook Support


Two years ago was optimized for Android but Mapquesters would have to wait until February 2011 – just a few months ago – to enjoy a native Android Application. The app offers turn-by-turn directions with voice assistance, voice search, live traffic and everything you could expect from a top-of-the-line navigation app. Just like Google Navigation, it’s free, giving you a decent reason to test it out. Today MapQuest gives you another reason – they’ve integrated Skyhook.

Have you ever jumped in your car, entered navigation directions, started driving and then realize you’ve got to drive in circles for a minute or two while the GPS satellites find your position? Skyhook integration helps reduce the time you wait, even when you’re in a parking garage or another location where GPS service isn’t superb.

Android typically works by relying on two methods to determine your location:

  1. GPS location
  2. When GPS unavailable, Network location

Network location is notoriously inaccurate. Skyhook has created an algorithym that uses information such as cell tower location, nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and other data your phone collects to more accurately and more quickly pinpoint your location. If the waiting often irritates you, give Mapquest a whirl and let us know if Skyhook integration helps ease your frustration at all.

And while we’re at it… Google Navigation or MapQuest?

[polldaddy poll=5008870]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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    I hope the UI and smoothness are there cuz I think the technology is great

  2. New Android user here…is Mapquest able to be used without any data plan connection(pure offline mode,no 3G, no data plan whatsoever)? If answer is yes, that’ll be cool.

    If not, anyone knows of a good app that does that? I saw some that uses OpenStreetMaps, but am not sure..or I could just go with the Route66 app they’re developing.

    1. I think there is some app called as RMAPS and also Mapdroyd which will let you store offline maps on your phone memory and then use those for navigation. But, I would say that you may not get as many features as you get on google nav or mapquest. Give it a try though.

    2. If I needed offline access, I would go old school and have it on paper.

    3. “Locus” does that.

    4. Maybe not, Locus downloads maps and works offline, but does not provide navigation.

  3. Just downloaded, here are some quick points:
    * Pinch to zoom works, but it thinks of the second finger as a tap as well
    * Interface is ok, but nice that it hides
    * I love that traffic shows not just congestion levels, but pinpoints incidents/construction as well
    * Night mode looks awesome(its the negative of the image, so should save a bit on AMOLED screens)
    * Skyhook works well, showed my approx location very well considering I’m indoors and this building is built like a bunker(science building on university)

  4. Tried it when it came out…wasn’t impressed. Back to Google Nav.

  5. Guiding you to a location is one thing, finding the correct one in the first place is another. Type ‘The Home Depot, Colma’ (sorry, no ad intended – this is just where I have to go to later today) into MapQuest and GoogleMaps and see, which one will allow you to start navigation faster. As much as I would like to see an app that compete with GMaps – this isn’t it (yet?).

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