
Nexus One Gets Android 2.3.4 (And So Can Your Nexus S)


Nexus One owners are reporting that Android 2.3.4 – the Gingerbread version which reportedly brings voice chat to GTalk – has begun rolling out as an OTA update. Unfortunately the Nexus One doesn’t have a front facing camera so the rumored release of video chat through Google is absent. Nonetheless an upgrade with bug fixes and other goodies is hard to turn down, especially when others are stuck on much more archaic version of Android – don’t look a gift bot in the mouth!

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Nexus One owners should pull over to the side of the road and press Menu > Settings >About Phone > System Updates to get their 2.3.4 now. Or, ya know, just be normal and update when you have a chance.

If you’re Urkeling out with a Nexus S owner wondering, “Hey, can I do that?” the answer is yes if you’ve currently got 2.3.1 or 2.3.2. Watch the video below from AndroidForums member QuantumRand who details the process and make sure to thoroughly read his “update the Nexus S to 2.3.4” instructions and let us know if you’re able to do video chat since we know that eventually you will.

We’re not responsible if your phone becomes an expensive paper weight.

If you’ve got questions regarding either phone or any upgrades, head on over to the Nexus One Forum or the Nexus S Forum at AndroidForums where you can collectively create world peace in addition to hooking up your phone however you want.

[Thanks to all who sent this in]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Nice! But that menu item does not get you the update to just magically pop-up. Never has. Anyone who’s been around Android knows that. Which makes me wonder where you copy and pasted your blurb from?!?

  2. Yeah the download link is on engadget. Go get it.

  3. Nexus One Manual Update Instructions (with link to the file) are here: http://www.androidpolice.com/2011/05/02/nexus-one-owners-its-your-turn-download-android-2-3-4-now-gri40-grj22/

    I installed without issue. See no obvious improvements (i.e. this update did NOT fix the delay before an incoming caller can hear you (the “say Hello, pause, and say Hello again” bug).

  4. What!!!

    No fix for the – “say Hello, pause, and say Hello again” bug on N1??

    At least it has the battery fix (lets hope this works)

  5. No VoIP? That stinks! (Hits *#checkin#* repeatedly, anyway…) But seriously, i’ll wait until the Google I/O announcements, but if Cyanogen can get voice chat on my N1 then this may be where I have to part with stock android and move over to custom roms. I knew it would happen someday I was hoping to get a solid 2 years of support out of my device. Not sure why google wouldn’t give us the voice chat aspect (video being absent is understandable for obvious reasons) though.

  6. Got my update in the middle of the night while I was feeding my son. It got rid of an issue I was having with my voice search. So that made me happy.

  7. Maybe this update will make all the selection colors uniform instead of some being green, and most being orange.

  8. Reoccuring problems I’ve had with 2.3.3 on my N1

    Stock Web Browser crashes
    Keyboard goes black–input still works, but I can’t see the characters
    Home screen is empty when I hit the home button
    Outlook e-mail isn’t pushed consistently
    Phone goes to lock screen and won’t unlock

    There are more. Just can’t recall them all at the moment. I hope this update has some of these bug fixes. I’ve been forced to reboot too often.

  9. Nexus one 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 update no problems if using the manual method.

  10. it would be nice fo have video chat even w/o front cam. i use vc on ym once in a while and i don’t plaster my face on the video feed the whole time. instead, i use the back cam to show more interesting stuff.

  11. I got my 2.3.4 update last night (nexus S)

  12. Woke up to find the update waiting for me (nexus s). My screen looks so ugly now with the color change.. there a fix to this??

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