Revue Not Bringing Home the Expected Bacon, Logitech Still Enthusiastic about Google TV

Aside from some clever commercials starring Kevin Bacon, that is. The Logitech Revue missed earning expectations last quarter, falling short of the projected $18 million after earning $22 million in its first quarter of availability. The drop-off was quite significant, bringing in a mere $5 million for the company.

It’s no secret that the Google TV platform has some things to figure out, but we have been and still are big supporters of the concept, taking both the good and bad into account. Likewise, Logitech doesn’t plan to give up on the platform any time soon. Their CEO Gerald P. Quindlen stated during the quarterly earning report that the company remains “enthusiastic about Google TV.”

For others to agree, Google needs to step its game up and deliver highly anticipated features such as the Android Market. The ability to download and install Android apps onto your Google TV box has been promised in a  future update for some time now, though when that update might surface remains a mystery.

[via CrunchGear]

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