SocialCamera from Viewdle Tags Photos for You, Automates Sharing

If you are the picture taking type you no doubt have been met with the task of uploading and tagging a series of photos after a wild night with friends (or maybe a family get together). Many have found themselves on the other end asking, “Hey, when are you going to put those pictures on Facebook?” For those that just can’t be bothered, Viewdle is making life easier with their first Android application, SocialCamera.

SocialCamera won’t do anything for those that use a point-and-shoot, but if you are accustomed to snapping off photos with your Android device it will automatically tag friends based on facial recognition technology developed by Viewdle. Subsequently, it can upload these photos to Facebook or share them with your friends without too much hassle on your part. The first time you take a picture of someone with SocialCamera you manually tag them, but then the app takes over and works its magic. A “faceprint” is stored and used to tag future photos.

Viewdle hopes to create future apps that leverage a users stored faceprints, but the company isn’t solely focused on that sort of image recognition. The ultimate goal is to create a “computer vision-powered augmented reality” that sees and detects real life through the lens of a computer or mobile device.

Android Market Link: SocialCamera

[via Mashable]

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