Playstation Network Got You Paranoid? Find Comfort In Google’s Arms

As I’m sure you’ve heard/experienced, over the weekend there was a massive security breach on the Playstation Network that single handedly crippled their online service and exposed all your most personal and intimate information. I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter through my Twitter about people wondering just how secure their information is with other big companies, namely Google.

We all know Google has more information on us than the FBI. Just try doing a simple image search for your name and you can bring up all kinds of skeletons you may have thought were buried deep in your closet.

When it comes to your Android handset, all of your contacts, credit card information, addresses, even pics are all stored in Google’s cloud somewhere and you want to be assured they’re safe. So where exactly is this cloud? It better be a white fluffy cloud with laser trip wires and 7-inch steel walls to protect all the information Google has on me. Oddly enough, that’s not too far from the truth. Come take a tour with me into the Google Data Center (keep your eyes peeled for a T-1000).

All I know is after watching this video, this will definitely be the first place I run to when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. How about you? Is your mind put at a little more ease knowing that not even Tom Cruise could break into Google’s Data Center?

[Via TheAtlantic]

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