Motorola ATRIX 4G Now Dirt Cheap at Best Buy

Although AT&T’s Motorola ATRIX 4G is perhaps the most powerful smartphone in the market today, it’s subject to heavy discounts from third-party outlets. One such outlet is Best Buy who seems to need to move some units – so much so that you can get it for just $30 on a new two-year contract.  To put that into perspective, the Otterbox Commuter case for the phone is just $6 cheaper and docks for the phone are more expensive.

Discounts as significant as these seem to indicate poor sales, but we aren’t going to jump to conclusions in hopes that Motorola and AT&T will eventually reveal some numbers. (And, to be honest, their hesitance to do that makes it look worse.) Anyway, if you were waiting for an awesome deal to get an awesome phone, look no further than Best Buy. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

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