
Sprint Reportedly Set to End Instant Rebates May 7th


Remember when Sprint followed in Verizon’s footsteps and offered customers smartphones at the lowest subsidized price without having to deal with any mail-in rebates? (Sort of like what Best Buy does for all carriers and phones.) Yea, it’s about to come to a close.

We shouldn’t be surprised considering Sprint mentioned that this would go on for an undisclosed period of time. (Though I do understand if you’re upset with the carrier for not disclosing that period of time.)

Anywho, May 7th is the cut-off date if you want to buy a new phone from them without having to deal with any rebates according to this leak. Let’s hope some of their newer devices make their way out before then. [via BGR]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Way to cement your 3rd place position Sprint.

    1. dummy

      1. That was incisive.

  2. They have all always done the mail in rebate as long as I have been with them for 10+ years. I have always gone to Best Buy or Radio Shack for my phone upgrades. I’m sure it wasn’t a big deal either way since most of their sales come from 3rd party anyhow.

  3. Never knew a promotion meant forever. You learn new things everyday.

  4. BGR borrowed that from my bro’s site listed in the watermark!

  5. well i guess im picking up the evo3D from bestbuy. screw you sprint

  6. Cool

  7. Never buy your phone from a carrier. Much better deals to be had at Walmart, Target, and Amazon, among others.

  8. That image doesn’t really prove anything. The playbook doesn’t have a instant rebate which ins’t shocking, and neither does prepaid phones, which again isn’t shocking.

    Show me the same image, but with the EVO 3D with no instant rebate and you might be on to something.

    1. Sorry if I sound sarcastic, but did you maybe miss the quote in the upper right corner stating “Great news! Mail-in Rebates are still instant until 5/7/11”?

      1. Looks like you found someone else to bother…Leave that guys alone and look at this for a change…Sprints industry leading 21st and 22nd 4g devices…

        1. Yeah… seen it… many many many times because of your stupid ass and I probably won’t get it. Yet again, I must point out that not even half of your “22 4G devices” are available to the public. Either correct yourself or shut up.
          Am I bothering him? Sure. Was it meant to be disrespectful? Not in the least. Oh, and linking to the same video with basically the same text in 3 separate articles when only 1 have to do with Sprint… bland. It only shows how unimaginative you are and how much of a one-track mind you have. Open up your eyes for once.

  9. Man whoever wrote this artice has no idea in the fundamentals of reading. Sprint already came out and said they were doing a promotion where the mail in rebates were instant, and that after that time it would go back to how it was previously. They are not getting rid of rebates all together, they are just not gonna be instant after 5/7/11. If they were really getting rid of rebates then there would be no need for silver/gold status that gives you the rebate of $75, or $150 off the price. The sales price would just be the sales price and it would cost the same no matter if you were with sprint or not, which is definately not the case. I guess news is slow and theres nothing else to write about huh? *newsflash* when you try and word an article really slick to grab attention, you really just make yourself look stupid.

    1. BTW, dont like it. Go to best buy or radio shack. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

    2. Err… you seem to be the stupid one here bud. The article doesn’t imply that they are getting rid of rebates. It clearly states they are getting rid of INSTANT rebates. There is a difference.

      Normally I wouldn’t point something like this out, but you are attempting to rip on an article for being poorly written when it is, in fact, not.

    3. Haha talk about not having “the fundamentals of reading”! You obviously didn’t even skim this article, let alone read it. The article acknowledges the fact that we already new the INSTANT rebates would end, we just didn’t know when because Sprint never specified an end date for this “trial”. I certainly didn’t read this short article as if Sprint were getting rid of ALL rebates, just the instant ones, as the TITLE implies. *newsflash* When you have no idea what you’re talking about, you really just make yourself look stupid. Have some respect for the people bringing you this updated information.

  10. I really do not understand the point of rebates.

  11. What the hell is wrong with everyone on this site? All you do is criticise each other. Grow the Fuck up.

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