John Carmack: This Small Survey Taken in My Spare Time Says Android Isn’t Where It’s At

Ha. Hehe. Heh. Ahem: John Carmack, don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous to decide how profitable Android is for you or any developer based on a survey you took between meetings at a convention? The id Software veteran, co-founder, technical director, and whatever else you want to call him polled Quakecon attendees.

He asked them if they owned iOS or Android and came up with a “50/50” split. (I highly doubt this is 100% accurate.) And then proceeded to ask those people if they’d spend $20 on a game – surely more iOS users said yes opposed to Android users.

Don’t get me started on the fact that $20 for a mobile game is bizarre even if it does look as good as Rage, but to discredit Android just because you asked a few people if they’d spend ridiculous amounts of money on mobile games and they said no is just, well, words can’t even explain how stupid it is.

With that I leave you the pointlessness of this story – id doesn’t want to develop for Android although they’re still spending time and resources on bringing Rage to the platform. (Oh, wait, nevermind – their only Android-focused developer was put on the iOS team.) And our good friend irony just took a swan dive off the top of the world’s tallest skyscraper. [NowGamer via Electronista]

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